how long do you throw up after you eat?

I tried a little fish last night. not good. I threw up the rest of the night and still can't keep anything' been approximately 18 hours. now i am very week. I'm not dehydrated. How long does this usually last. Russ    — oldchevys (posted on March 9, 2008)

March 9, 2008
I would only throw up once. It might be something else. I would go to the emergency room and make sure they know what kind of surgery you had. You might have food posening or a case of the Flu. Chicken was the one that caused me to give up my meal. I now can eat it just fine, but the first three months were dificult for me and chicken.
   — William (Bill) wmil

March 9, 2008
I have ate a few things that didn't agree but the most I threw up was once as well. Once it is out of your system, you are usually good to go again. Would seek professional advice!
   — ladonna08

March 9, 2008
I have only gotten sick once - last week. I ate some breaded/fried chicken (thought I would be able to try a bit since I've tolerated everything I've eaten so far). Anyway - about an hour after I ate I got very sick and thew up but couldn't actually throw up food - it was the foamy stuff. Lasted about 30 minutes and that was it. I would definitely talk to your doctor - with the flu going around so bad right now, it is possible that you actually have the flu or some bug that has nothing to do with what you ate. Good luck!
   — itzmetami

March 9, 2008
I'd puke about 6oz to every 1 oz I ate, or it seemed like it. Consider food poisoning or the flu? If all you look for is zebra's, you'll miss the horses! PS - don't eat the fish :-)
   — 29Diesel

March 9, 2008
I am 4 yrs post op and I am extremely sensitive to bacteria in foods. I don't even finish my meal before I start throwing up. It generally happens until every last thing is out and I am sore and definately very careful with what eat for the next few days.
   — bariatricdivalatina

March 9, 2008
Heh, sounds like me on Saturday -- but I had a little fish, with a few chopped tomatoes on top -- THAT was a mistake. Pretty sure the tomatoes got stuck, which was why I threw up TWICE that night. Had to get those stuck tomatoes out! Perhaps a little fish got stuck in yer stoma, and you had to get it "unstuck," and then of course all the vomiting makes you weak and sore...poor thing. I know how it is! Just keep hydrated, go back to a liquid / full liquid diet for 1-2 days while your pouch goes back to normal, and see if you can resume your life. Hang in there!
   — crydecker

March 10, 2008
Hi Russ. I am a little confused by your question. When you say it has been 18 hours now, is that from your surgery or since you thew up? I can't tell by your page when you had surgery. If you just had surgery, fish is not a good idea, you need to be on soft/liquid foods for some time. If you are past 4 months, try another type of food? You might want to re send a question. Patricia P.
   — Patricia P

March 18, 2008
I had fish last night too and i was sick to my stomach for 4.5 hours before i finally threw up and got relief. Today my stomach is completely off so i am only eating soft foods that i know i can tolerate. Chicken and turkey make me sick as well but my doctor said if i eat chicken on the bone that is darker meat it will go down much better than white meat.
   — longislandamy

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