What do I do, I am starting to regain my weight?

I am 4yrs out and I am starting to regain my wt. All I want to do is sleep. I work and don't have alot of time for exercise. I feel like I am failing myself and I have done this for nothing since I'm gaining weight again. What do I need to do?    — anmoon (posted on February 19, 2008)

February 19, 2008
April which type of weight loss surgery did you have? Are you taking all of your supplements religiously and has your doctor done blood tests to find out if you are anemic or something else? Are you eating every few hours to keep your energy up?
   — JenP

February 19, 2008
Me too!! But I have refocused my goals and weight-loss once again. I found myself under the covers so many days. I had a thought while I was there though, why am I trying to get back where I used to be? That's so exhausting!! I have set new goals before me, like running the 5k marathon, skydiving, and dedicated myself to the BORING treadmill 5 x's a week. This has helped me to stay focused on what's ahead and not behind me. Believe me, my old jeans are calling me back, but if I focus too long on them, I may gain all of my weight back and that cannot happen. So look to the light at the end of the tunnel!! There is so much more ahead of you than behind you.
   — bariatricdivalatina

February 19, 2008
Make time for exercise. It only takes a few minutes to stand and at least just stretch a little. I try to do a few floor exercises right before bed (especially when I find the "I'm too busy excuse)...helps me sleep too. Those are pre-surgery mental failure games...Get real with yourself. You have 20 minutes in an entire 12-18 hour day to dedicate to a little stretch or jog around the yard...LOL I jog in place when I am blow drying my hair...I always run up the stairs and sometimes I do it two or three times in a row, just to do it! If you really want to get have to hear the blunt truth...Sorry. Don't know what surgery you had, but if it's RNY...try to kill the carb monster with the 5 Day Pouch Test...It forces you back to basics! Good luck! I mean that! You can do this!
   — .Anita R.

February 19, 2008
Sounds like your Iron is LOW - call your doctor, might be time for labs!
   — 29Diesel

February 19, 2008
I would definately get your iron checked. I was starting to put on weight too. I am 4 1/2 years post op RNY. I am trying this... . Hopefully it will work for you too.
   — Carlyn M.

February 19, 2008
Lack of Iron and B-12 make me tired too. I would get my doctor to do a blood work-up first, but you worked so hard to get rid of the weight and you have to keep excerizing if you want to have a health body and keep the weight off. I know it is hard. I started the week I got home for just 15 minutes a day and now I go to the gym 6 days a week for 1-1/2 workout per day. I feel better than I ever felt. I have had problems with low Iron and B-12, and I have had to make other small changes. Best of success to you!
   — William (Bill) wmil

February 19, 2008
This is something I worry about all ready, I haven't had my surgery and boy I am good at finding reasons to not exercise. But I know I have to get serious and really start doing something even if it is just 5 minutes of something. It is so much better than doing nothing. Good luck I know you can get back on track. You so don't want to gain the weight back after you have worked so hard to get it off! Kim
   — Kim M.

February 19, 2008
Is there the possibility that you are depressed? That also may explain the "need" to sleep and the inability to stay on track with diet. Please explore this issue as well! I am only suggesting because this is a BIG factor in my life. Good Luck to You!!!!
   — Toni Todd

February 19, 2008
BLOODWORK,BLOODWORK,BLOODWORK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! If your iron is low or anything is going wrong with your blood you could feel yucky. I am 2 years out and I had been anemic I guess about 6 months. My sinus surgery was cancelled be my hemoglobin was so low. I started out taking 2 iron pills a day and now I take 1. My recent blood work showed I had a crital low level of vitamin D now I am on a prescrition vitamin D tablet for 1 once a week for 3 months. No matter how far out we are we can't forget our bodies will forever be different because of our tool and we have to go to the dr. and get our 6 month or annual bloodwork by a dr that knows what to test for in RNY patients.
   — 070510

February 19, 2008
I am also 4 yrs out and I have not gained a pound. And I eat. If you had the band I understand why your gaining weight. If you had gastric bypass your not using your tool correctly. and let me back up and say if you had the band your not using the tool correctly. You should go back to basics. USe what you were taught. Eat good foods. And go to the dr and have blood work done. MAybe your anemic. Do you take B-12? It could be many things
   — Joanc

February 20, 2008
Hi April, thanks for writing. I am 4 years out in March, and I feel a little "puffy", but I don't weigh, so I don't know if I have gained or not, but I do feel like my body is changing. It is a scary thing. I also have been weak on the exercise, but the answer is still the same. Anything worth having is worth sacrificing for. I know you work and you are busy, but if you don't take care of your body, you will regain and have problems. It will always take diet and exercise to take off or maintain weight loss. The decision is yours, and you don't have to feel guilty, but don't expect a miracle, it doesn't happen. Wls is no miracle, it is just a tool we use to take weight off and keep it off, but it will always be with diet and exercise. Start a food diary, find a support group, do things that get you going the right direction. Check out your snacking, be accountable for what you do without excuse, and make choices that will get you going right. It is totally up to you, and you are worth it. Take care, Patricia P.
   — Patricia P

February 20, 2008
It sounds like you might be dealing with some depression. Your primary care doctor will most likely have a screening test to help evaluate things. As far as "not having a lot of time".... you have to find a way to make it. A brisk 10 minute walk, three times a day, is as good as a 30 minute walk. Do some walking before work, at lunch, and when you get home. Join a gym. Get an exercise tape... you don't have to spend 2 hours a day, any little bit helps and it will most likely give you more energy as well. Good luck to you.
   — mrsidknee

February 21, 2008
Hi - Are you able to find a WLS group? I'm sure this would help and get you back on track. I am 16 mos out and have lost 113 lbs. I know I'm fairly new compared to your accomplishment of 4 yrs., but I find the groups do help. Support is the best to help you get over this hump. Best of luck.
   — niecie54

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