I'm new to the site and I have a ?? about the lap ban surgery,

When you go back in to have it adjusted is it very painful? I'm trying to figure out what surgery I want. Thank you in advance. Faith    — Faith K. (posted on January 9, 2008)

January 9, 2008
Faith, I do not know if it is painful or not, I will be having the gastric sleeve done next week. You might look into it before you decide as I initially was looking into lap band also and ultimately decided on the gastric sleeve surgery instead. The gastric sleeve is a purely restrictive surgery also as they remove a large portion of your stomach but it is not reversible like the lapband. Both have their advantages and disadvantages. Good luck with your journey!
   — wizardofoz

January 9, 2008
I am new to this site to and i am having the gastric sleeve done I have done all the tests and am just awaiting my surgery date
   — spitty

January 9, 2008
Fills are not painfull at all if you have a surgeon who knows what they are doing. Some will give you a shot to deaden the area, my surgeon was so experienced that he knew exactly how to get the port and do a proper fill w/o having to deaden the area. It mainly is just alot of pressure from them having to get ahold of the port to hold it still. Good luck
   — mccabesmom

January 9, 2008
No they are not painful. They numb you a little and that doesnt even hurt. You do at times have a bit of pressure. You will never be sorry if you go for the lapband. I am a year and a half out, and would do it again in a heartbeat. My friend had Gastric bypass and she is already gaining weight back and never reached her goal.
   — Babbles

January 10, 2008
Not painful at all. I don't even need the numbing stuff, just a small prick and it is done. My booster shots hurt more! Good luck with your surgery!
   — Bee

January 10, 2008
I had some discomfort with my 1st fill, but it was a different Dr than did the surgery so they had to hunt a bit to find the port. No problems since then. They use Lidocaine to numb the area so I really only feel pressure when they pull out of the port.
   — Donna O.

January 10, 2008
Fills are not painful. You have a small prick when they numb the area, then you feel a bit of pressure (not pain) as the needle for the fill goes in. I am 5 years out and still maintaining a 110 pound weightloss - I weigh 130 pounds and feel great!
   — VickiStevens

January 10, 2008
Thank you all for your awesome responses....They were all very helpful to me.. I just need to decide on what surgery. I meet with my doctor on Tuesday...
   — Faith K.

January 11, 2008
The fills are not painful.My Dr uses a freezing spray then inserts a very tiny needle.I actually prefer it without the freezing spray.It hurts less than plucking a hair from your eyebrow.I love my band 1 year out,Good Luck.
   — pattyann

January 12, 2008
She asked a question, so please all of you successful lapbanders please do not jump all over me. You asked a question about this surgery and I am only giving my opinion. I had the lapband for one year and had it removed. The fills were not painful but the band did not work for me. I keep in touch with a few of the people who had the surgery around the same time as I did, which was October 2005. They could never get the band filled right, too tight and I vomited all the time, too loose and I did not lose anything, and yes I ate properly. After a little over a year of this I had a revision to the RNY bypass and had my band removed at the same time. I had less pain post op the second time. It is just a little over a year now, my food options are endless, unlike before, mostly liquid and really soft food. I am at goal and still loosing. I should have done my research in the beginning so please do yours. I do not know much about this sleeve they are talking about, I only know that 3 of my friends have had theirs removed. Please research before you make this decision, insurance only pays for one per lifetime now, at least that is the policy with most of them. Make an informed decision, I know the banders will bash me but I was once a bander myself so please remember that. If yours worked I am happy for you so please do not bash, it has happened before. Good luck with your choice of surgery, see you on the loosing side.
   — noboat4u

January 18, 2008
lap band is different for everyone. I can't say its everything I hoped for but I do not regret it. I also have thrown up alot but I had several adjustments to get it right. It takes alot of follow up and maintenance. Sometimes a few drops is all it takes to make a difference. And also my surgeon never uses lidocaine or any numbing agent and it is never more uncomfortable than a standard injection in your arm.
   — lisalpn

January 18, 2008
If anyone is still reading these responses, I have another option to point out. I say check out the duodenal switch. I will be having a revision to the switch from the RnY, which did not work for me. I stalled for over a year and then started gaining. My insurance did approve me for the revision and is going to cover the DS. Better stats and better eating with the DS. Up to 55% of people will gain weight back with the RnY. The band is not as good as some thought. Some insurance companies will not pay for the sleeve, just as some still don't pay for the DS. DS surgeons are harder to find. Check carefully; you may have to travel to find a DS surgeon. Also check out I wish you all well.
   — KRWaters

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