I need some direction....i'm unsure of what to do here

Ok here's my issue. I'm 4wks post op lapband. I've lost 25lbs, My insurance is changing 1/1/08 and I will no longer be able to see my surgeon under my new plan. I want to get a fill before my insurance changes. I'm loosing weight good so that tells me I don't need one. On the other hand I went out to eat and was able to eat just as much as I did before I got my band. Don't get me wrong I ate only fish and baked potato but I was able to eat about 4 pieces of grilled talipia. I'm scheduled for my first fill on Nov 19th. Should I get it or not?    — bchicks42 (posted on November 12, 2007)

November 12, 2007
Yes! Get your fill and then speak with your surgeon and tell them what is going on with the new insurance. The other thing is that you need to contact the new insurance company because even though they will not cover your surgeon a lot of companies have provisions that if you receiving ongoing care for something some will continue care for a certain amount of time. My insurance is also changing as of 01/01/08 and my care for RNY is pretty much done except for follow-up labs but my husband is still getting fills and that is how I discovered this.
   — Lost4Ever

November 12, 2007
You definately need to get that fill.
   — Bee

November 12, 2007
Thanks for writing Brenda. I would suggest that you do get the fill, you are losing fine, but you are eating way too much. Having said that, let me say this. How much you eat is more about what is in your head than what is in your stomach. Brenda, you will always be able to convince yourself that you need more. You have to learn to battle the head issues to lose weight forever. It is not about feeling full, it is about knowing in your head you have eaten enough and ignoring the head hunger issues. It is a daily battle, and no matter how much you fill, you will struggle with this issue. Making better choices is only part of the problem, the head will always tease you to eat more. Take care. Patricia P.
   — Patricia P

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