I had RNY 6 day's ago...

I have been having cold/hot flashes since I was in the hospital. I have a little discomfort on my left side. I am still burping and belching a bunch. And I just don't feel right. I just want to know if any of this is normal... anyone else deal with this? Should I be concerned?    — Jennifer C. (posted on September 16, 2007)

September 16, 2007
Yes, This sounds alot like my day 6. Christine
   — Christine M.

September 16, 2007
As long as you aren't running a fever, that means 101 or better, don't worry about the hot/cold flashes. Your body has been severly traumatized and will take a while to adjust. The gas is also normal, not fun, but normal. Just work at getting in your protein and liquids and eat and drink SLOW! That cannot be emphasized enough. Good luck and welcome to the losing side! Martina
   — Martina B.

September 16, 2007
I will be hitting my 6 month post op come the end of this month and I still have gas, although not as bad as it was at first, it bothers me that I can't belch one long belch, but have to many small ones LOL. Guess it could be worse! Hang in there, it does get better I promise, and just make sure you don't have a fever as a previous poster stated. Good luck and God Bless!
   — crystalsno

September 16, 2007
it is normal. you jusy had major operation give yourself some time.
   — Alvernlaw

September 16, 2007
Sounds normal. Just keep your eye on your actual temperature. If you are running a temp then go to the emergecy room. 101 degrees or better. Good luck and welcome to the loser's bench.
   — jammerz

September 16, 2007
   — daizygurl27

September 16, 2007
i'm 3 days post op, lots of pain (discomfort too mild a word), and i'm belching a bunch too. i feel so weak. looking forward to the full liquids. hang in there, i think you're fine, but keep us posted
   — lahamm816

September 16, 2007
Yep, the burping; belching; and farting -- classic after effects. Your stomach and system are new and you are still getting rid of the anesthesia. You will notice this as you progress through the process. Your body will react differently to various foods. For instance, after I eat fruit, I have gas --which for me really isn't anything new because prior to surgery fruit did me that way too. After about a month or so; you might want to try a digestive enzyme. I've been taking one for about a week (2 tablets after each meal) and I've seen the decrease in gas. The digestive enzyme is described to help your system digest the foods.
   — the7thdean

September 16, 2007
You sound like you are getting along just fine (but do watch your temperture). My surgeon told me that the anaesthetic can stay in your body for up to a month so your belching and farting will continue for awhile. Try to do deep breathing exercises to clear it out of those far off pockets in your lungs. Did you get one of those plastic spirometers in hospital? Try using it every couple of hours and see how deep a breath you can take, hold it for a bit and then let it out slowly. Walking also helps to clear your lungs. Congratulations! You have just crossed into the beginning of the best years of your life! -@li
   — cherub13

September 17, 2007
I had that for a long time after surgery!
   — Novashannon

September 17, 2007
Yup, sounds about right... just watch the temp... it really DOES get better every day. Congrats!! :)
   — airbear762000

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