Has anyone had surgery knowing they had sarcoid or sarcoidosis?
My surgery was temporarily cancelled for this suspected condition for which I am having testing now. The condition was discovered during pre-op. Cat scan confirmed abnormalities. I hope to get clearance in the next few weeks. Anybody have the same problem? Thank you. Carmen — [Deactivated Member] (posted on September 14, 2007)
September 14, 2007
Hi Carmen, My initial surgery was canceled when they saw
"something" on my thyroid from the catscan. They did a catscan
with contrast on my neck because of it's size. I was able to schedule a
biopsy within a week and it turned out to be a benign cyst. In fact while
they were doing the biopsy they could see it shrink as they were pulling
the fluid out to test <g> That was going to be at the end of
January. They were able to reschedule for the first week of March...and
then someone goofed and realized the day before that they had booked to
many surgeries and I finally had it on March 13. Considering that I had
bisopsy ect...I thought (after the fact) that it was pretty fast. At the
time I was mighty unhappy with the delay. I would rather they found and
took care of potential problems ahead of time then find out the hard way.
Good Luck
— CarolynK
September 14, 2007
I have a G/f who has that sarcoidosis, and she had her surgery about 4-5
years ago. She is fine and no problems. If you want to talk to her contact
me and I will give her your number.. Cynthia 7-11-07 ryn
— babesintoyland
September 17, 2007
I had RNY almost 2 years ago. I have Sarcoidosis and this did come into
play. I had to undergo severl rounds of testing with my PUL. He was great.
I wsa aproved and off to the OR. I did have comp. not caused by the
Sarcoisosis but uad to undergo a second surgery. I ahve been good after
that. If you want to talk more about RNY and Sarcoidosis pleas email me on
— MonicaK
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