Recipe web site needed

Hi all, I know I have seen a web site listed on here numerous times for a really good site for post surgery recipes and I thought I had saved it... but the computer gremlin has apparently been at work here and I can't find it anywhere! Any re-posts ar really appreciated! Thanks, Lynn W.    — Lynn W. (posted on September 10, 2007)

September 10, 2007
For easy Crock Pot dishes, try this link: If that doesn't work try for resources Hope this helps.
   — cherryj

September 11, 2007
You can go to forums on this website, then go to recipes and there are alot of different ones. Also you can go under Cooking and Baking under forums and there is also recipes there also.
   — GrammaAnn

September 11, 2007
Bariatric has recipes.
   — Elaine L.

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