How do I know if what I'm experiencing is a hernia?

Under my bust and down to my navel is distended somewhat and rigid and hurts when I move certain ways. Should I see my gastric bypass doctor or a family doctor? Or should I just wait longer to see if it resolves on its own?    — MareBearShore (posted on July 31, 2007)

July 31, 2007
CALL YOUR DR; either your surgeon or your PCP will be able to help. Just call one so you can get the problem taken care of. Cherry
   — cherryj

July 31, 2007
call your pcp, pcp will examine you and then give you a referral to your surgeon, it must be checked out, good luck
   — Robert-P

July 31, 2007
I agree with the others. Does not sound like anything that will resolve on its own. Get to the doctor and have it checked out. Good Luck and God Bless, Norma
   — njkbutton

July 31, 2007
If you had Open RNY call your SURGEON! They are usually the one to take care of it. I had my RNY in August and developed a hernia at the end of January but didn't go get it checked out until first week of March because it didn't hurt. After seeing it my surgeon was not very happy with me and had me in surgery in 5 days.
   — Lost4Ever

July 31, 2007
Mary, you don't say how long it has been since your wls. If you still have an active referral to your surgeon, contact them right away. I don't need a referral with my insurance, so I don't think anything about contacting them. I have email with my surgeons nurses, so I don't even use an appt unless we agree the symptoms require a visit, but I filter any issues through them first. My pcm, as nice as they are, are not always aware of issues with wls like my surgeon is. If the hernia is noticable to you, you will be able to cough or push your stomach muscles out, and you will feel a tenderness or even see a "bubble" that is probably tender. It could also be an internal hernia that you can't see. Your surgeon will be able to tell. It does sound like one, and it will not resolve on it's own, and although it may not be causing you problems right now, real problems, it certainly can, and you don't want to have an emergency surgery when you can schedule one with the surgeon you are used to. Take steps right away to speak with your surgeon, and I wish you well. Take care. Patricia P.
   — Patricia P

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