i have to lose 5

I have to lose 5lbs or so by friday because it will shrink the liver. So i am afraid that if i don't lose it, i won't get to have the surgery.    — missyheffelfinger (posted on March 5, 2007)

March 4, 2007
I'm 4 months post op and I think you can lose the 5lbs by exercising or walking the treadmill. Have faith. It can be done. They want to make sure they don't do damage to the liver since they have to move it to do your surgery.
   — Virginia M.

March 4, 2007
Your liver will shrink if you restrict fats and alcohol consumption. Many heavy people do not have fatty livers-- the two are not necessarily correlated.
   — SteveColarossi

March 5, 2007
Try the liquid diet you are suppose to go on AFTER the surgery and see if that will help you any and exercise. You can do it! I doubt very seriously if they will cancel the surgery -- although there may be some surgeons who are anal that way but I don't know of any. Many blessings to you and keep thinking positive.
   — the7thdean

March 5, 2007
Two weeks before my surgery i had to go on a low carb diet to shrink my liver. I could eat only 40 grams or less a day. Try to eat low carbs and excerise.
   — barfiep01

March 5, 2007
Two days before my surgery I was on clear liquids and lost 4 lbs. If you are able to stay on clear liquids, that will definitely cause weight loss, however, it will make you weak. I agree about exercising, that combined with the reduced calories should get 5 lbs off in a few days.
   — Sheri A.

March 5, 2007
LOL two words that may help you LIQUID DIET chicken or beef broth suger free jello sugar free pudding crystal light

March 5, 2007
One week before surgery in mid April 06 I was on clear liquids only: water, herbal tea with splenda, sugar free jello, chicken/beef broth, sugar free popsicles. Sure it was boring and tough but I dropped about 10#. It can be done. I was also on clear liquids for 1 week after surgery - I tried some of the Isopure clear protein drinks but couldn't stand the taste. On my second week post op we started full liquids (cr. soups, mashed potatoes, cream of wheat, sugar free instant breakfast) then slowly to soft foods to regular foods and lastly in Nov 6-7 mos post op I could have raw veggies again. I have had only one or two bouts of dumping- and have lost over 150#. No complications. Take your time advancing the diet- I think that is the key. Donna
   — dabby

March 6, 2007
Once I got my surgery date they never even weighed me again. I don't think they are going to cancel your surgery over 5 lbs.
   — KristineMarie

March 6, 2007
Even if you lose the 5 lb., it's not all going to be from around your liver. Please just stick to the pre-op diet you have been given. If you do that, I doubt that they will consider canceling your surgery at this late date just because you didn't lose 5 lb. When I went in for my surgery, they did not know how much I weighed one week before surgery. I got a phone call to start the special diet about 10 days prior to surgery and I even went to Jack-In-The-Box and enjoyed my last Ultimate Cheeseburger, which is my all time favorite. I may have gained a pound by doing so but I still have the vivid memory of how good that last cheeseburger tasted. Also, when I appeared on the day of my surgery, they did not even put me on the scales for a "final weigh-in". Seemed strange to me but that's what happened. The concern at that point is that your stomach and bowels are "clear" for the surgery, NOT how much you weigh. BTW, this week of special diet prior to surgery will be a good gauge of whether or not you can stick to your post-op diet instructions. If you can't do it, I'd recommend that YOU TELL THEM that you are not going through with the surgery. Your ability to follow your post-op dietary instructions will have a greater influence on your success at losing weight than the actual surgery itself.
   — [Deactivated Member]

March 6, 2007
I had 1 month in which to lose 20 lbs before I could have surgery... and I did it! You have to decide if it's worth it to you. 5 lbs will not be hard to lose if you follow the liquid pre-op diet. I had to stick to 10 grams or less a day of fat. Even "messing up" a few times I was still able to lose 23 lbs prior to surgery. Of course, I lost the last 5 lbs in the 3 days prior to my surgery of liquids only. It was hard, but it's exactly what you're going to be doing after surgery. Believe it or not, once your "hunger" is taken away (after surgery) it is a lot easier. I made a cup of hot water and dumped sugar free jello in it whenever I was wanting something sweet... sounds weird, but it was oddly comforting being warm and sweet. I also ate chicken broth (I actually still like that) and drank sugar free v8 splash (still do). Good luck, and I would think twice about having that "last meal"-- think of the liquid diet of your "new beginning" and embrace it! :) (10 weeks post op and down 69 lbs!!) Believe me, it's worth it!!!
   — airbear762000

March 13, 2007
The reason I had the surgery was because i could not lose weight with diet and exercise! I had the surgery with an enlarged liver, just made sure i had a good surgeon with lots of experience!
   — Novashannon

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