Anyone had an abortion post op?

Hi All. I am facing a difficult situation. I am pregnant and not in a good position to take care of a child. I was wondering if anyone has had an abortion after surgery, and what should I consider health wise. If you feel more comfortable emailing me privately, please do so at [email protected]. Please don't judge me, this is hard enough already. I am looking strictly for facts here. Thanks    — skennedy (posted on January 6, 2006)

January 6, 2006
I can't imagine it would be a problem. Just make sure the provider knows. You can't be the only one in this situation, and it took guts to post it.
   — Jeanie

January 6, 2006
Have you consider adoption?
   — Dani96

January 6, 2006
If this is hard for you, maybe you should consider less drasstic alternatives, like adiption.
   — Novashannon

January 6, 2006
I haven't heard of any issues.... In fact depending on how far out from surgery you are this infact could be a better option than adoption only because the fetus may not be able to get enough nutrients... Good luck with ANY decision that you make.... I know it must be hard but know that you have support here. Please contact me if you need anything. All the best! Bridget
   — Karyn6899

January 6, 2006
She asked about abortion...not adoption, I am sure she has considered. Maybe after going through WLS it is too much of a trauma or flash back situation for her to carry a pregnany (scared to get fat again). ANyway, the pelvis and stomach are not connected and I do not see why it would be any more or less dangerous than having a child post op. Know that there are those of us out there who support a woman's right to choose....Best wishes to you! Hugs, Stef
   — SteffieBear15

January 7, 2006
-sounds like you have a real important decision to make, although I am not a fan of abortion,in some cases it is seems like the best are thiking about this,please get some help,go talk to a professional.Make sure you are doing it for the right reason and not because you don't want to gain the weight back...I am not judging you at all but the thought would cross some womens minds after you have worked so hard to lose. Good luck.If you want to talk you can email me paula
   — momtoall

January 7, 2006
I'm sorry that you have to go through such a difficult situation. As for your question, physically there should be no problem in having an abortion. I am post op and have had 3 miscarriages since my surgery (due to various problems), and they perform a similar procedure for miscarriages as they do for abortions, a D & C and/or D & E. Inform you doctor about your post WLS status it can make a difference on the anesthesia method. If they do general anethesia, they may chose to intabate you as your stomach size is small and there can be a chance of aspirating during general sedation if you are not intabated. (You wouldn't know the difference in the procedure.) Take care, and please know that there are many who are concerned about you.
   — angelav

January 7, 2006
I'm sorry that you have to go through such a difficult situation. As for your question, physically there should be no problem in having an abortion. I am post op and have had 3 miscarriages since my surgery (due to various problems), and they perform a similar procedure for miscarriages as they do for abortions, a D & C and/or D & E. Inform you doctor about your post WLS status it can make a difference on the anesthesia method. If they do general anethesia, they may chose to intabate you as your stomach size is small and there can be a chance of aspirating during general sedation if you are not intabated. (You wouldn't know the difference in the procedure.) Take care, and please know that there are many who are concerned about you.
   — angelav

January 7, 2006
Hello Siobhan, God's continued blessings as you handle this decision. I'm not post op (yet) and have never had children so I have no way of knowing how you feel. I'm Pro-Choice so this is truly your decision. It sounds to me like if you were in a better position you would keep the child. My prayers are with you. If you would like to speak with me you can email me directly at [email protected] Peace,
   — the7thdean

January 7, 2006
I recently had a baby since my WLS, 2 years ago and had absolutely no problems. I say this because I would think going through all of the changes ones body goes through during 9 months of pregnancy would be more difficult than an abortion. Please contact your surgeon's nurse and ask. They would be able to help you better than probably anyone here- no offense. You need medical advice, not moral advice. Best of luck to you.
   — karmiausnic

January 21, 2006
Thanks so much for posting this. I know sometimes it can seem a teenie bit conservative in here..LOL...Its a good question. As far as it being a problem post op I wouldn't think so. Of course as with any medical procedure it is best to inform your care provider of any previous medical history. I hope you find the answers you are looking for. Best wishes deb
   — Debbie In Lucerne

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