Could I rely on support from the members of the message board.

I thought that I would be having the Lap-Band surgery by now be after I met with the psychologist I am not going to have the surgery. The psychologist said that I was not a canidate because of my emotional well being. I am the kind that would eat past the band. I am concerned because the surgery was my last resort. I am now at 300 lbs. and am 5'5''. I have had heart surgery for a birth defect. I would like to ask for the support of the members of this board eventhough I did not have the surgery. I have never been successful in weight loss for very long. Please check my profile. Please let me know what you think of my request. Dixie    — dixieclark (posted on December 23, 2005)

December 23, 2005
what was your heart defect? Is your heart normal now or does this pose added risk. I am curious why you are going for the lap band? I was under the impression that the gastric bypass had a better success rate? Do not dismay-sometimes when we are thrown a curve, it turns out to be for the best. Don't give up and God Bless You.
   — [Deactivated Member]

December 23, 2005
To answer the question of what kind of heart problem I have: Hypertrophic Obstructive Cardiomyopathy. I have had the alcohol ablation that brought my gradiant from 160 to 0 then I had to have a pacemaker. My heart is doing great, so far.
   — dixieclark

December 23, 2005
Since you can't have surgery, you may want to check out the non post-op page. Full of OH members who for whatever reason did not have WLS and are supporting each other everyday! I love it--here's the link
   — CarolinaGirl270

December 23, 2005
Hi Dixie, You said that the psychologist said "you would eat past the lap band " Have you considered the Gastric Bypass surgery ? there's no eating past anything if you eat to much you dump or vomit . by the time you can eat normal you've learned valuable tools. And what I mean by normal I mean healthy. Sugars,grease,an fatty foods will still make you sick so you learn not to bother with them. If you haven't done your research on GBP.Maybe this could be an option for you . I had mine in July of this year an have already lost 100lbs now I know every one is different but it's worth a look at I'd think. Good luck an if you want to chat send me an e-mail .MERRY CHRISTMAS
   — amygirl

December 23, 2005
My opinion is that you might want to see another psychologist. The idea that you shouldn't have the surgery because of your emotional well being is rather vague, and how did the psychologist decide you would be the type to eat around the surgery? WLS is something, however, you ablsolutely must be 100% committed to before you have it. You must be ready, willing and able to make the life long committments that any WLS entails. I admit I am not perfect by any means; I do sometimes eat the "wrong" things and there are times I don't consistantly exercise. But, all in all, I have maintained my weight loss in the three years since I have had surgery, and I do not dump, so I could very well be one of those that could "eat my way around surgery".
   — koogy

December 23, 2005
I think there is a version of wls out there for almost anyone. There is a woman locally I know who was almost 500 lbs and she definitely has food issues. I'm not exactly sure which surgery she had, but it was akin to the verticle banded gastroplasty with a large malabsorptive factor. She has a band around the stoma that will not allow flexibility, so several years out she is still maintaining her loss. She still has issues with food but she will throw up if she goes too far...and she does frequently. But the thing is, she is happier now with this than she was that heavy. And now she can live a lot longer than before the surgery. I think you should find out about other forms of the surgery and consider it. I know lap band is not as invasive, but I also think when you have quite a bit over 100 lbs to lose your best bet is RNY or DS. Thing is, if you are able to continue counseling after you have surgery you could thrive. But will you be able to do that without the surgery? I see it as an opportunity to succeed. Good luck to you!
   — Dinka Doo

December 23, 2005
Dixie, I am so sorry to hear that the psychologist said you were not a candiate. Is there any way that maybe you could see her or another psychologist for a while, get some help with your mental well being if that is really what is wrong. I have heard of people having to go through that and then being able to have the surgery. Or, is there a way you can get a second opinion form another psychologist? I think that this board will give you lots of support. Hugggggs,
   — kizie23

December 24, 2005
Hi Dixie, I think it is pretty rare for a psycologist to say that so if they have... I would take heep. Unfortunately, if you do not follow the rules you can end up very sick if not die from complications. However, you may want a second opinion and possibly consider RNY. Any WLS requires considerable change in your habits and if mentally you are not capable of these changes you should not have surg. You hvae to work at it and really change. The surgey is only a tool.... you are the operator of the tool. If you think you are capabe of change then you should go to a different surgeon ad seek out another psych eval. Good luck to you! Hugs, Stef
   — SteffieBear15

December 25, 2005
Dixie, I agree with others that you should get a second psych eval or consider another kind of weight loss surgery. If you do want to try losing weight without surgery, please visit us on the nonop board: Best of luck. Kasey 365/210 (nonop)
   — Kasey

December 26, 2005
I'm with the others. As a psychologist (in a different area), I have to wonder what it is about you that lets your psyc say that you would out eat the surgery. Just like anyone else, we have to deal with our own issues too. Is your psyc someone who has real experience in working with weight issues? If not, maybe you should investigate and find another psyc. I'm a little concerned that you weren't offered services to help you cope with and/or resolve your food issues. The worse possible thing you could do would be to have surgery if you are not ready, but I find it hard to believe you are a "lost cause". Also, you might want to research various types of wls (weight loss surgeries). I had the open RNY because I'm not willing to deal with revisions, etc. This is a one time shot for me. I'm down 85 lbs. in 6 months and am quickly approaching my "normal" weight range, for the first time in over a decade. I still have to make conscious decisions about my tendencies toward emotional and comfort eating. The vomiting from eating too much is something to avoid because it HURTS. It is not a tool to help you know when to stop eating. I know a person who out ate this surgery too. But he would puree Snickers and drink them. He was not a good candidate for WLS, because he never saw it as a life change. You must really understand that the surgery is a tool to help you gain control over your body. There is a ton of emotional baggage you must and will go through before and after surgery. That is how you come to terms with your new reality. Additional counseling is indicated for many people, and it might be something you should consider to help you with traditional weight loss, or as you continue to pursue WLS. You will need to do some deep soul searching, and it would probably help you a lot to get more information from the psyc you saw regarding why you were not considered a good candidate. I feel pretty confident he/she saw some red flags, which are areas you might benefit from focusing on. Good Luck on your journey.
   — Kristie

January 3, 2006
does this particular psych approve anyone for surgery. Many have their own agenda as well and are very anti surgery for anybody. I would get a 2nd opinion if surgery is what you want and YOU feel that you are able to modify and work with the tool. I personally would have likly failed with a lap band. Love my rny tho!
   — **willow**

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