Any advice

I have an appointment with PSHYC. on Jan.11. for approval for surgery. Any advice on what I should say. She is the one that said that I needed counseling before she would approve me for surgery. I have got counseling and my Insurance approval already. All I need is her approval for surgery and the doctor will go ahead with surgery. Any advice on what not to say. I cant bear another denial for surgery. I feel Iam so ready for this. And am afraid I will screw it up on tuesday with the pshyc. Thanks for listening. Louise    — LOUISE M. (posted on January 9, 2000)

January 9, 2000
Good luck. Just go in ther with a positive thinking pattern. Tell them you are ready and you know you can follow the diet program and it would good for your health and that it will improve the way you feel about yourself. Just go in there happy. Dawn
   — Dawn T.

January 9, 2000
Hi Louise, I live in Sanford- kind of close to Mt. Pleasant.I had to have a psych eval beore my surgery too. I went in with the determination that I wanted a lifestyle change and that that was what was going to happen. The biggest thing that they look for is if you will be able to adjust TO the lifestyle change that comes after the surgery. Where are you having your surgery done? Please E-mail me and living so close maybe we can correspond. I had an open RNY 21mo ago and have lost between 155 and 160# I had Dr. Sapala out of Detroit(office is in Jakson) do the surg. Lungs too bad for BTC. Talk more later. E-Mail is [email protected] Jan Terry
   — Jan T.

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