does old stomach become gassy and have pain
Hi Guys, I had gastric bypass in 2009, since then I have lost 192 pounds. My question is can we still have pain and bloating in old stomach? I ask because last Monday, I was involved in an accident, a car hit me from behind. I do not think I was hurt seriously, but I did go to the emergency room they did xrays and ct scan on my head and back, and said I had muscular injuries that would heal in time. I have noticed though that when I eat or drink something, it makes my stomach feel uncomfortable, and I am very gassy. I do have a doctors appointment on Friday, but I was just wondering if the old stomach could have been damaged or, my year old pouchy poo (lol). Thanks Guys in advance for any info or advice. Hugs and love, Betty — bettyjac5 (posted on June 14, 2010)
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