Lap RNY: Worried about taking care of my Preschool daughter and Kindergarten son!

My mom will be here for 2 weeks after my surgery on May 24th. My kids are VERY high energy and have 1 week of school left after my mom leaves(she lives in another state). 2 weeks after Laproscopic RNY will I be able to make meals, give baths, be a semi;) normal mom??? Any and everyone's experience would be great :)    — tawker (posted on May 8, 2010)

May 8, 2010
You should be ok. However, lifting is limited and you will not want to bend over a lot. You will also get tired a lot faster. You may want to use prepared meals for your family as you won't be able to eat what they eat for a long time. Cooking and freezing entrees ahead of time before your mom leaves will help. You should be able to drive by then but not for long distances. I went back to work after a week but I didn't lift anything heavy.
   — tandalyncarter

May 8, 2010
Sorry I don't really have an answer for your but I do share the same concerns! My surgery date is 6/7 and I have a 5 yr old and 3 yr old twins.... all high energy boys. I'm really nervous about taking care of them when I come home. I'll have my husband to help in the evenings but I'll be on my own most of the day. YIKES!
   — amy3

May 8, 2010
In two weeks you will be feeling pretty good. Sore but not as wiped out as those first few days following surgery. As a general rule, laproscopic surgery has a significantly shorter healing time but it doesn't mean pain free. The first 4 days were the hardest for me. I needed assistance getting up out of chairs, bed, etc. I don't have small children but I do have a small dog who thinks he belongs in your lap. I had to keep him shooed away as I wanted no weight or movement on my incision sites. I'm sure your surgeon will advise you on weight limits. The risk of hernia will be high because of the multiple punctures thru the muscle wall and you may or may not have a drain in place after surgery. Best to start practicing with your little ones now that Mommy can't hold her wrigglers for a few weeks unless they can be very still. I think with them being that young and showing them your "boo-boos" after surgery, they will be understanding and may surprise you by their attempts to comfort you. Good luck to you on your surgery!
   — Arkin10

May 8, 2010
When I had my RNY, my Dr. said no lifting for 6 weeks. As far as cooking you will not have a problem. With driving I drove a week after my surgery, however do ask your Dr. Good luck
   — FSUMom

May 8, 2010
Judging from my boyfriend being alittle over six weeks out.. I think you will be fine.. not 100% by any means.. but ok. I liked the idea of having pre-planned meals ready to go.. lots of snacks and drinks they can get to. Tell the little punkin heads that they are going to have to be BIG KIDS and help take care of Mommy. They will love it. Just be prepared to be VERY tired..You will be. Keep your sipping up and try to get in as much protein for energy as you can. Good luck to you!
   — Mzlgrl31

May 8, 2010
You'll be more than fine. I had my surgery and only had help the first two days...and I had a high energy 3 yr old boy at home. The following week after my surgery I hiked through a woods with no problem and found I had way more energy just getting those first few pounds off. You're lucky to have your mom that first two weeks. That first week might be rough, but you'll get into the groove after that. You will have many days where you're worn out and more tired, but you'll manage. Keep taking your vitamins/supplements and getting your protein and fluids...and I'm betting you'll look back and wonder what you worried so much about! Good luck. You won't regret this. I'm 2.5 years out...and I feel 200% better than I've ever felt in my life! Hugs...Cheryl
   — Cheryl K.

May 8, 2010
Thank you so much for all your encouraging words. I've always been a "bit" of a worrier ;) I feel so fortunate to have my mom for help. She wasn't supportive at first, but now she is my caretaker. To those that don't have help(AND little kids)...I hope you have an uneventful and "easy" recovery! I know it will be so worth it in the long run :)
   — tawker

May 9, 2010
ihad wls nov 24 09. out of henry ford hp next day,5days later back in gym for two hr workout . no ab crunches for 30 days. ithink the more strict the program the better the results are. i didn't really like it but it proved in the long run to be the best.i'v had no complications whatso everand am down 114 lbs. idon't think it gets much better than that. good luck hank
   — hanksguns

May 9, 2010
I am 66 years old and had RNY on Jan 13th, 2010. I was pretty wiped out as for as wanting to sleep the first day home, but had no pain or discomfort at all after surgery. We have our grandson at the house during the week and I will assure you there can be no rest when he is here. I received no real support from my wife after surgery as she was totally against it. I find that the most comforting thing for me was my faith in Christ. I released everything to him even prior to surgery as was ready for any outcome which was presented. I have since lost eighty pounds and have gone from a fifty inch waist to a thirty six. I could not begin to tell you how great I feel. Prior to surgery I had used a cane for the last twenty plus years and for the last twelve years used an electric scooter to get around. I have not used a cane or the scooter since four weeks after surgery. Was it worth it, you be the judge. I now feel as if I am in my mid thirties and weigh less than I had in over fifty years. This is the good life. I would do it again every week if I had to. God Bless and give you Peace
   — Jim Christian

May 10, 2010
My mom took a vacation for me while I was having my surgery. Luckily my brother also came to help as my son was only 18months old and not walking yet. I went back to school a week after surgery but was not allowed to pick him up until I was about 3 weeks out. As long as you don't have to actually pick them up and everything you should be ok. The only thing I would watch out for is giving them a bath. Bending over like that may cause pressure on your incision and may cause a bit of pain. Other than that I think you'll be able to do it. Good luck!
   — Nina15137

May 10, 2010
I have 5 kids,16,10,6,5,& 5 months... my RNY was 02/09/2010, my mate only had one week off, to help me out around the house> Your goal after surgery is to keep moving? ok with that being said. I have not STOPPED moving yet, even the day after I got home from the hospital. The best rest your going to get is while your in the hospital. You have extreamly actively children right now being the age they are. I promise you'll be fine,I think your putting un-due stress on yourself which is normal, after you come home from the hospital, it will seem like times are hard & somedays will be but I know you'll look back and say to your self, "what was i thinking" .. so dont worry yourself, let the days come and go just like any other days, and just breath! May 24 is one of our childrens B-day , so now I know for sure there are 2 special things going on that day...congrats on your new life...
   — [email protected] Folston-Johnson

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