Has anyone not been successful with the realize band and went to the vertical sleeve

gastrectomy, what was the outcome?    — T R. (posted on May 6, 2010)

May 6, 2010
I have the lapband and no sucess.Considering the ds. My insurance doesn't cover the selve. Let me know how it goes
   — pandavenise

May 7, 2010
I did not have the band, but I did have the VSG. I have had nice results thus far losing 140lbs since June 17,2009. Insurance did not cover me at all so I was a self-pay patient and went to the Dominican Republic and would do it again today if I had to. If you have any questions, I would be happy to answer them! =) Good Luck and Best Wishes.
   — callen3640

May 11, 2010
When I went for my consult with my dietician their was three ladys that had the band and was unsuccessful and was getting the sleeve.I am unsure of their reasons,I know one lady said she now had reflux real bad but I do not know the reason for the others.I had RNY on Feb 18 and feel great!
   — davonjack

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