How am I supposed to feel?

I just scheduled my surgery, and it is a little over a week. I was wondering how am I supposed to feel? I have such a mix of emotions inside of me and I think my mother is afraid that I am regretting the decision to get the surgery....which I am not by no means. I am just excited, happy, scared, numb, nervous, etc..... I just dont know which one to express more. I mean I will be lsong weight right?! how exciting is that?    — Heather H. (posted on January 12, 2010)

January 12, 2010
Hi my name is Doris. I felt the same way you are feeling I was called on Dec 31 and told I had been approved and I was having surgery on the 7th of January my birthday. I was excited and happy but at the same time so scard. I am on my 5days post off and it has been a roller coster because your emotions are so up and down the first days I was just absorbing everything in. Now 10 pounds lost I feel wow it is working and I do still get depressed watching everyone eat food. I do cry especially at night when that was the time I used to snack but I know it is for the best. Please dont get discouraged do it for yourself it will take time ajusting but it is so well worth it. I feel your pain.
   — dorisgarcia

January 12, 2010
Hello,you are to feel how ever you want to feel. There is no right or wrong way to feel. I experienced every feeling that you mentioned all the way up until they wheeled me into surgery. I even began to shed tears. But you know what it was worth it all because here I am 14 days post op and 22lbs lighter. I am no longer on diabetes meds and the Dr. lowered my hypertension meds from 40mg to 20mg. It is natural that you feel this way because of the magnitude of what you a about to do will effect you and your family for the rest of your life. However, just remember you are creating a new life of good health and weight loss. I can only say that there is nothing better than that well, maybe winning the lottery, but you would most definitely enjoy if more with wieght loss.
   — 3chi94

January 12, 2010
hi heather, gosh, everything you are feeling is so very natural. i went through the same thing myself. i live 5 hours from denver, where i had my surgery, and had to spend the night before the surgery in a motel. when my hubby and i got to the motel, i really freaked out, second guessed what i was about to do and then i realized it was going to be the best thing i have ever done for ME. i had my lapband done on 10-06-09 and have lost 50 pounds to date. i am so stoked!!! nothing compares to it! i wish you all the best with your surgery and please post to let us know how you are doing. YOU will do GREAT!! Denise-my email is [email protected] if you ever want to email.
   — puddytattoo

January 12, 2010
I think the feelings you have are perfectly normal, you are not only about to have major surgery, but a major change in your life. You are about to get something you have probably wanted most of your life, to be able to lose weight and be successful at doing so. When I had my surgery in June of 09, I had made up my mind to trust in God to see me through it. He did it!! so pray, I will be praying for you as will so many of our OH friends. You are going to be alright. This time next year, your tool will be working, and you will be a new woman!! By the way, I have lost 140 pounds in seven months!! Come on over to the losing side. God Bless You. Love and Huuuuggggsss.
   — bettyjac5

January 13, 2010
Hi Heather, Don't worry my dear, you're going to do fine!! There are thousands of people who have had these procedures done and they're living happy, healthy lives now due to massive weight loss. I had rny October 29th, 2009 and am now 72 days out. My highest weight was at 365 lbs but when I started my pre-op liquid diet I weighed in at still a whopping 311 lbs before surgery and now I'm weighing in at 243 lbs. That's a 68 lbs loss in about 3 months including the 2 week pre-op liquid diet!! My doctor said it was time for me to have the surgery. I couldn't breath when I laid on my back at night and snored so loud I woke my husband up. I couldn't walk very far without working up a sweat, as a matter of fact standing still for any period of time caused massive persperation problems. I was on high blood pressure pills-2 per day, diabetic medication-4 pills per day, asthma medication-1 pill per day plus an inhaler, and high cholesterol medication-1 pill per day. Now for the good news....I've now been taken off all the medications I've mentioned above except for half a blood pressure pill, and the cholesterol pill however my doctor has advised me to wait to order even these medications until he gets my blood work back from the lab. So if I'm not off of these pills by this blood test results, I will be by the next one in 2 months. And you will have great success too! You will be able to move better, clothes will fit and look good too. Not only that but you'll be so happy with your results that watching others eat will not bother you as you thought it would because of that wonderful new size pair of jeans you're able to wear! Just to let you know my experience with rny....I am deathly afraid of needles so I prayed that the Lord would help me through all the needle poking that I'd have to endure through the hospital stay with checking my bloodsugar levels all the time and the IV's. I never even felt the stick of the IV when the nurse put it in. She used a numbing agent on my skin which I had never experienced before! It was fabulous. Not even a tiny bit of pain. The dual daily takes of finger pricking was done so gently by the nurses that it never hurt at all! As for the surgery itself, when I awoke I was a bit nauseated and had quite a bit of pain. The nurse gave me something for both and I have never felt pain or nausea since! I went home in 5 bandaides!! Yep just 5 bandaids!! I was amazed and I've never had a problem since. As a matter of fact, I keep asking my husband if the surgeons really did the surgery because I felt no different! But I also stick very closely to my diet and get in all my fluids and exercise everyday. I was given a hot pink bike for Christmas so I go biking every day now and do some strength exercises as well. It's been absolutely wonderful! You are embarking on a new phase of your life by having this surgery and you're gonna love it!! It's going to be a wonderful experience for you and your loved ones. Just remember to follow all of your doctor's instructions and never get discouraged if you plateau because the weight will all of a sudden start falling off again. Keep up your spirits and know your tool to a new beginning is just about to be laid in your lap! Enjoy it and use it to be happy! God's richest blessings to you in your new journey!! I'll be praying for you!
   — annteekee

January 13, 2010
Everything you are feeling is so natural and normal. Let me tell you this, you will not regret this. I have to say it is a tough road, but everyone asks me, would you do it again, I say in a heartbeat. Best of luck gal!!!
   — FSUMom

January 13, 2010
I was scared and I am still learning how to handle things. But for me this was life and death. I am so addicted to carbs and sugar I was killing myself. I have tested the ground and will always for the rest of my life think and desire what I should never have. I want it to stop, I have seen psychologists and followed all of their recommendations and I know if I touch the stuff I will disappear into an endless desire and mindless obsession for my food. Having my pouch hurt when I eat too much or when I get sick if I eat too fast is my miracle. for me This surgery was a miracle for me so I can have my life back. I may never be 145 lbs like I wished for when I set out on this journey, but I will never be 300 and something lbs either. Some days I miss my foods...but most days I am so grateful I have my life back. Yes, it is a scary unknown scenario...but if you are in a place today whereby you do not have much life right now and your future is filled with darkness...this surgery is a new beginning to finding yourself...GOOD LUCK to you!
   — Karen D.

January 13, 2010

   — kwatkins

January 13, 2010
It has now almost been a year for me(Feb. 12, 2009)but I can remember getting my date like it was yesterday. I think all the feelings you are feeling are absolutly ok. I can remember feeling numb, happy, scared and overjoyed all at the same time. You go through such a long process to get to the point of a surgery date and then you get one and BOOM your are like WOW it is so serreal. Just enjoy the momeant. You have a lot of hard work ahead of you, but you can do it. Remember the pay off is a healthier you. And man does it feel good. Congrats and God Bless Stacie E. :0)
   — sse032568

January 13, 2010
Hi.... all the emotions are valid ones and totally normal. Your excited about losing weight but scared of the unknown. anticipating a new life but holding on to the old one. It IS a roller coaster ride, which is why the counseling is so important as well as journaling! In a couple months you'll read what your wrote and giggle at how up and down you were and surprised at how different you are gonna feel then. I am 4 1/2 months out and 86 pounds down. and those anxious feelings are long gone, but replaced with new and different ones. I've lost more than the combined weight of my 3 grandkids.... whodda thunk it!!!!!!! You will do fine... always pray about everything and He will be at your side!
   — MarthaJ0110

January 14, 2010
As for me, I never had any feelings but begin happy and excited about me getting a new chance at life and begin happy. I never once thought about not doing it,yet i did think many times is this the right thing for me to be doing, knowing that i might not make it. But I can say almost begin 6 months post-op that I would never trade it even though it hasnt been an easy road and I have a great support system.
   — kasifisher

January 16, 2010
We were all a mixed bag of emotions prior to surgery. You will find yourself constantly wondering if you've made the right choice. I think this is very common and you wouldn't be human if you weren't feeling this way. You will do fine. I am so glad that I had my RNY, it's been almost 11 months and I'm down 106 pounds and feeling the best I have in almost 30 years! I weigh less now then when I was a sophomore in high school!!!
   — rkurquhart

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