what to eat

Can anyone tell me exactly what you eat in a day and how you get all your protein and water in to. What time do you eat your meals and when do you drink all the water and protein drinks if your drinking them. Do you have snacks? If so when?    — cuppaloopy (posted on December 2, 2009)

December 2, 2009
No snacking ..not ever. When I was newly out I ate my meals at the same time every day in the 10 2 and 6 o'clock hours. If your sleep pattern makes this difficult, adjust the time (hours). I get up and immediately make a protein shake. About 730am. I am usually on here and times goes by I usually have a bottled water with me also. So I drink the two of them and then stop about 10 am so I can eat. I would eat egg beaters 1 ounce with onions or bacon 1 ounce. Then after the hour I would start to drink again. I take a vitamin right after my meal...a calcium right after lunch and another vitamin right after dinner. I consumed two ounces from 3 months out until goal(which was 10 months out). Lunch could be anything from peanutbutter and triscuits to melted cheese and I ate weird stuff early on. But only when I could. I'd say about 3 months out. I tried to stay with the soft foods early out. cottage cheese, melted mozzerella, p. butter, eggs, ...If I felt "hungry" I would heat up v-8 and season it or have some broth. Seemed like food, but was liquids. I also had sugar added kind. I tolerated it well. had two a day for the longest time. My snacks were in the form of liquids. Also if you have to ...use a timer set for 30 seconds or whatever and everytime it goes off, take a sip. Liquids won't stretch your pouch and I attest to that. I still have only a 4 ounce pouch. Thats how much i can eat before feeling 'full'. I am 17 months out and have mnaintained my weight for 7 months. Best of luck to you! Hope this helped! hugs,Kim
   — gpcmist

December 2, 2009
I am 8 months out, have lost 91% of my excess body weight, and eat around 1000 calories per day. A typical day starts at 6:30 or 7 with my B-complex, Iron, and alergy meds. I drink for the next hour, while I get ready for work. Breakfast is almost always a Kashi Go Lean Oatmeal that I add some freeze dried fruit to. This is about 180 calories with 8 grams of protein. An hour later I have a protein drink, either cocoa with a scoop of vanilla protein or a shake. Typically this gives me about 200 calories, 20 grams of protein and I take my first calcium and multi-vitamin with this. Lunch is around noon, I have a protein base--stick cheese with sliced meat, leftover from the night before, tuna or shrimp salad maybe in 1/2 a whole wheat or multi-grain pita. If I leave out the pita, I have a sugar-free jello with it. Here's another 200 calories with around 20 of protein, and again I take a calcium. As an afterschool/pre-workout snack I have either an oz of almonds or a Kashi Go Lean Trail mix bar, again 150 cals and about 8 protein. Here I take my last calcium and multi-vitamin. Dinner is different, but usually hits around 200 calories. I have some favorites. I get a stuffed sole fillet (cheese and spinach, shrimp and lobster, cranberries and wild rice) that is a full 6 oz portion, I eat half of it and then add some vegetable (a piece of a sweet potato, green beans, peas, asparagus or brussel sprouts are my favorites). Other dinners that I use (subing in different veggies) are a no bean chilli that I make with 97% fat free hamburger and instead of rice I use quinoa, feta burger, or grilled shrimp, marinated chicken thigh. Usually that gives me another 200 calories and at least 15 protein, usually closer to 20. Here I take my PPI and a b-12. Throughout my day I drink at least 1 32 oz bottle of crystal light type drink, then in the evening at home I drink at least a 24 oz drink of some type-hot tea (decaf only) or more crystal light. I have found that if I don't have a snack in the evening around 8 or 9, my blood sugar is very low (50's-60's) in the morning and I just can't get myself up and going. Therefore I usually have a sugar free jello, pudding, or 2 serving of gerbers yogurt melts (I add protein when I make my jello and pudding, and the yogurt melts have 2 grams). This ends up being around 1000 calories per day,and I work out at least 3 times a week significantly, and every day do a lesser extent. I burn at least 1700 calories a day based on my resting rate and my work out days usually hit closer to 2000 or 2200. I'm still loosing about a pound a week, but truthfully-want to stop loosing, I think 139 is starting to look a little drawn in my face/shoulders. Hope that helps. Scootermedic
   — scootermedic

December 3, 2009
I was given a schedule. 6:00 a.m., 9:00 a.m., 12:00 p.m., 3:00 p.m., 6:00 p.m., and 9:00 p.m. Immediately after you get home from the hospital, I was on liquids, and was told to drink one ounce every half hour, so it was sip, sip, sip. When the soft food stage started at two weeks out, we were given 5 different things we could eat - Egg Beaters, Fat Free Cottage Cheese, Smooth Fat Free Yogurt, Taco Bell Refried Beans, and Sugar-Free-Fat-Free Jell-O Pudding. I was to have at least 1 ounce every 3 hours (along the timeline they gave me above), along with drinking the protein supplements in between. I got Any Whey Protein Powder, and added it to the Jell-O pudding, and also to warm broth. It's tasteless and odorless. Even today, I am still supposed to be eating 6 SMALL meals a day, instead of 3 "regular" meals, and I'm 9 months out.
   — Erica Alikchihoo

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