Is anyone else out there using the New Whey Protein Shots? Do they work?

I am 9 weeks post op and have not lost a single pound in about a week. My surgeon told me to get the New Whey Liquid Protein shots because I was not getting enough protein in. These things don't taste the best and I was wondering if anyone has had success with jump starting thier weight loss with them. So far, I have only lost 30 lbs and can't get the scale to move!!! Any positive suggestions are very much appreciated.    — ashley315 (posted on September 29, 2009)

September 29, 2009
Yes, I used them quite extensively at first. As you said, they're not the most pleasant thing to drink straight, so I would brew up a large cup of either Tangerine Orange Zinger or Wild Berry Zinger and use half of the bullet in the tea. It actually tasted GOOD when mixed with the tea, and when I was able to discontinue using liquid protein, I kinda missed it. It gave the tea a nice tart, "zingy" flavor, and it's just not the same without it now. I can really relate to your frustration. I was in a similar situation, but I believe it was because, number one - I had a stricture that needed to be dilated. I was thowing up a lot of my meals, and my body had gone into starvation mode. What made it worse was that I couldn't exercise due to some severe lower back pain. My surgeon finally talked me into seeing someone about getting an epidural injection, and within 24 hours I was pain I began exercising for all I was worth. Even bought a membership to a local gym. Soon, the weight just started to drop off. On October 2nd I will be seven months out, and have lost nearly 115 pounds. You'll do it! Have faith....your surgeon has given you one of the most incredible tools you'll ever have the pleasure to use.
   — Erica Alikchihoo

September 29, 2009
I am 5 weeks post-op, I like using the bullets because it is a great way to get all my protien in. I like to mix it with Diet V8 Splash, then I just sip on it all day. There are 2 different amounts that you can buy, either 26 grams or 42 grams of protien, (GNC carries the 42) I like the higher one, more bang for the buck. I'm on Smooth Foods now, so having that as a supplment really helps, I like the Orange flavor the best. I am down 47 pounds since I started this journey and the support of this website has really helped me. Good luck to you and congrat's on your weight loss!!!
   — tmhlls300

September 30, 2009
I have been using them successfully since December. I get mine at Walmart and the only flavor I have found is fruit punch. I did find another company that carries another type of supplement. The name of that company is Nutrition Direct. Good luck, Karen
   — ntssmith

September 30, 2009
Hey Ashley, I use the bullets from Wal Mart, they are 1.97 per bullet and fruit punch flavored and 26 g of protein and I mix mine with a bottle of water and its a mild fruit puchy water that isnt so bad. I try to have 3 a day to ensure enough protein. Dont forget to add in the calories...its about 100 per bullet. Good luck
   — Banded7-27-09

September 30, 2009
GNC has some of these types of things, also. Some flavors are better than others, but I think that has to do with personal taste...I usually mix mine with water...1/2 of a tube with 16-20 ounces of water...that being said, you may just be at a plateau (which we all hit sooner or later...and usually more than once). Just review what you are doing and make sure you are following the on getting in your protein and water (but not with meals); limit carbs and increase your exercise. The weight loss will start again.
   — BrendaMS

October 1, 2009
The protein bullets are good but remember that the most protein your body can absorb at one time is 30 grams, so if you are getting the ones that are 45 grams you are just wasting 15 grams of protein. I do use the ones from Walmart which are the 26 grams of protein. They taste a bit better when they are cold but they are still thick. I like the idea of putting them in tea, as I have started drinking hot tea in the mornings. I don't know if they will work with hot tea, but I think I am going to give it a try. I have been on a plateau for a few weeks and really haven't been getting in my protein, so I am probably in starvation mode, so maybe this will help.
   — Dawn A.

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