I sometimes get a twinge of pain under my right rib, where my liver is?
It's not incredibly painful.....just a twinge of pain that I never felt this before surgery. A tiny discomfort that I have never felt in my entire life. More curious than concerned. Thought this would be a good place to post a question before I concern my doctor with it. It only happens around once a week. — Teresa W. (posted on September 1, 2009)
September 1, 2009
That's also where your gall bladder is. If you still have your gall
bladder, I would avoid anything greasy. If it continues I would check it
out with your doctor esp. if you do still have your gall bladder.
— lesleigh07
September 2, 2009
If you find out let me know. I have the same type of pain. I am a year out
and when I eat something that does not agree with me I get this pain. Some
pain medications give me extreme pain in this spot. I do not have my
gallbladder. It was taken out yers ago. My doctor did a MRI but did not
find anything, since it just comes and goes I have not followed up.
— trible
September 3, 2009
I had an ultra sound done on my liver years ago, and they went to the LEFT
— cydthekid50
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