Cymbalta Vs Lyrica for Fibromyalgia Treatment

I have beeen using Elavil along with Aleve but the Aleve is killing my stomach post LapBand. Any advise, update or information is greatly appreciated. You have been such a great resource of support and information. Thanks to each and every one of you. Mary-Anne    — mannecote (posted on March 12, 2009)

March 12, 2009
My surgeon only recommended I take Tylenol products after lapband surgery. Please consult your surgeon's nurse asap, so they can give you sound advice. Good luck and hope you get to feeling better!
   — ladiblade2

March 12, 2009
I was just diagnosed with FM (bummer). I take Cymbalta and Prozac, personally. Each person is different, always ask your PCP. Seems to help with the mental FM issues and has helped slightly with the chronic pain. Starting a stimulant for the extreme fatigue soon. Good luck. My journey has just begun.
   — jammerz

March 13, 2009
Mary-Anne,my Dr. had me try Lyrica and within several days I began to retain fluid especially in my face, so I stopped it.I researched it online and found that the swelling from fluid retention is very common with this drug. Do your research on both choices, and of course, you won't know how either will work for you until you try. I take Celebrex,Tramadol & Flexirill. My surgeon told me to take only Tylenol as far as OTC pain relievers.
   — amistique569

March 13, 2009
if you need to take the aleve could you take it with a small amount of food to help decrease the stomach upset? could you switch to another type of med instead of aleve? what does your regular doctor that treats your fibromyalgia say? what does the surgeon say about this med?
   — hersheylk

April 4, 2009
I have been taking Lyrica for my FM. I gained weight on it even at the lowest dosage. Told the doctor who said not to take it anymore. Now have to take loratab for the pain. Do not feel that the Lyrica helps enough to risk gaining all my weight back.
   — kankan

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