Has anyone been to an amusement park for an exteded period of time?

I was wondering how do people who have had WLS eat the right foods at the amustment park when there isnt anything nutritional and do you still eat almost every hr while at the park? just looking for more insight.    — BeautifullOne88 (posted on February 18, 2009)

February 18, 2009
While it may seem like the only food available is fried on a stick, I'll bet you can find a few things that are more nutritional if you look hard enough (salad, soup, grilled as opposed to fried foods, etc.). Without knowing what sort of surgery you had, it's hard to give more guidance than that. And why would you have to eat every hour? Do you have to do that now? If you need some sort of snack inbetween, how about packing some almonds or a low-sugar protein bar, or some sort of protein supplement that doesn't require refrigeration (New-Whey protein shots)? You just need to think outside the box a little bit, and you'll be fine.
   — suezahn4me

February 18, 2009
Hi Ashley, I looked at your profile, to see which surgery you had, and see that you are preop. Is this just a general question then? I went to the amusement park when I was about 4 months out from my RNY. I took some protein drinks with me. I was also able to have nibble of a few things, when my family ate. I nibbled a little hamburger (no bun of course) and nibbled a hotdog. I also took some other snacks for myself that didn't need to be refrigerated. Hope this helps. Feel free to ask any other questions you might have!! Good luck to you Caroline
   — carolinern

February 18, 2009
If I get stuck some place with healthy food, I'll get a grilled chicken sandwich and take it off the bun. Works for me. Stay away from the junk food.
   — Virginia H.

February 18, 2009
I tend to carry stuff with me that I can have, like protein bars and such. Most of the time, though, there is something you can work with, like a hamburger that you take the bun off of, or a salad or something.
   — Shirley D.

February 18, 2009
I just returned from Disneyland this Valentines weekend. I am 2 months post op from RNY and I didn't have a problem at all. The hotel we stayed at had a small snack bar that sold yogurt that I had for breakfast, and in the parks they had a place that sold chili in a bread bowl, I asked for it without the bread. They had a place that had Mexican food, I ordered a kids bean burrito with rice, I eat the beans and cheese without the tortilla and the rice (very small portions) They also had a place that had soup bowls without the bread again of course. I also packed things I knew I could eat, protein shakes, string cheese and protein bars. I am not sure about all amusement parks but they were somewhat health concious, you might be surprised
   — Marcie H.

February 19, 2009
My family and I take plenty of snacks. We snack throughout the day. Amazing as it sounds, most of the amusement parks do have places that have salads as well as fruit. I usually order the plate with chicken breast. There are soups and it may not be the healthiest prepared meal but I think you'll be o.k. for the day.
   — bariatricdivalatina

February 19, 2009
As others have said, you will find better treats out there if you look and ask around. I would also take my protein shakes/shots/and snacks with me to the park. If you are not allowed then I would take a break to go back to the care to get something. Best to stay on your eating healthier lifestyle than try to make due with junk food. Above all have fun! Best Wishes
   — Corina C

February 22, 2009
I went to Disney World six months after my surgery. We were camping so i was able to pack a lunch everyday, ate breakfast at the campground and came back for dinner. However there were times when we ate out. You can always find salads, and healthy stuff to eat. I ate a lot of Chicken wraps and things like that. I often would just eat the chicken. A lot of times i would share a meal because it was so difficult to spend the money and only be able to eat half of it. I also took healthy snacks with me.
   — Debbie M.

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