I'm tired of dealing with complications!

   — dnoreenh (posted on October 9, 2008)

October 9, 2008
Hi, Noreen. I just wanted to say that I'm sorry for whatever you're going through, and I hope things settle down for you, so you can enjoy the journey more. Blessings, Mary
   — marylaw

October 9, 2008
Sorry about all your complications. I too have had several problems after surgery and they continue to exhist. It is very frustrating but I can tell you to please hang in there. It will get better and remember that you have lost weight. Go with the foods you can eat now and build up on those. Forget about trying new ones until your body is feeling stronger. While meat is importan for protien, there are other sources and if you can get your protien from somewhere else do so. You will be happier and your body will get stronger so you will heal easier and maybe the complications will lessen. Mine have greatly improved. Not perfect yet but getting there. I pray that you feel better very soon and the weight will just fall right off. Celia
   — ceecee127

October 9, 2008
Sorry for your complications. My RNY surgeon spoke at one of my support groups the other night. Your blog speaks of hospitalization from dehydration. My surgeon said the PRIMARY reason for being re-admitted to the hospital after surgery is dehydration. People have to get used to drinking more fluids, primarily water. My surgeon plainly stated that if your urine continually has significant color to it, it means that you are not drinking enough fluids. If your urine is clear most of the time, that indicates your fluid intake is good. Temporary colored urine is common soon after taking vitamins, but should be almost clear the rest of the day. My wife had a RNY revision from a 1980 gastric bypass in 1980. She was re admitted twice in the first month to the hospital. The first time was based on dehydration. DAVE
   — Dave Chambers

October 10, 2008
Hi Noreen, I can so relate to you. I have too many as well. I try not to complain too much because this was an elective procedure that I made the decision to have, but I sure wish I could just get past all of the problems. I know there is bound to be a point where it gets better, when? Good luck to you and I hope things get better for you.
   — mehlbeca

October 10, 2008

   — Lisa C.

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