Anyone have any burning/pulling pain on their lower left side?
This is the only pain I have. — metlife09 (posted on June 7, 2008)
June 7, 2008
Right after my R WLS surgery I did. It was cause because they used the
incesion there for the cameras, laser and staplers to enter to body and is
the same port they removed the exces skin and tissue through. They also
stitch your stomack to the left side with a target they can see with X-ray
in case they have to enter the stomach in an emergency later on. Hope that
— William (Bill) wmil
June 7, 2008
I had VSG and all of my pain as been on my left side. My incisions have
never hurt! And, you're right. It feels exactly like pulling. I asked my
surgeon when he discharged me what the heck he had done over there and he
said that there is a nerve there that sometimes gets effected and that's
why there is pain. And also because that is where all the action is during
surgery. Lots of pulling and tugging, the stapler going in and out, and
the old tummy comes out that incision. I'm 11 days out now and the pain is
hardly noticeable now for me. My doc did say it could take up to 6 weeks!
— GlitterGal
June 7, 2008
I had my RNY surgery on May 28, 2008 and am having the same pain.
Sometimes it is more intense and makes me nervous but I try to take it slow
and give myself time to heal. Its good to know that others experience the
same feeling. Best of luck to all...Andi
— andi2966
June 8, 2008
Yes, it is normal, it's just your body healing. I had the same thing
happen to me.
— redlilies
June 8, 2008
yes, I had the same problems and my doctor had to go in and release a
trapped nerve. What a relief that was. the pain is gone. My doctor is
awesome. I am 7 weeks post opt.
— zydeko47
January 9, 2012
I am having the exact same issues but mine is on the right side. I had the
Vertical Sleeve Gastrectomy. I am 3 wks post op.
— Lea-Anne Lavoie
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