Why is it that they say for the first 18-24 months that your body

does not absorb all the calories that you eat. Is this correct and why just that amount of time, what changes after that time frame.    — Kimberly_N (posted on December 7, 2007)

December 7, 2007
Hi Kim, I checked your profile but I didn't see where you put the procedure you are having... it sounds like you are considering the BPD/DS... is that right? could you clarify the procedure you are getting so we can help you better?
   — ChristiMNB

December 7, 2007
the intestinal bypass part of the Ds and RNY loses some of its effectivness over time, as our bodies try to FIX themselves. hopefully by that time you have lost the weight and get some regular exrecise, most regain some weight but are still way lighter happier and healthier than pre op. I am over 6 years out WLS was the BEST DECISION I ever made in my entire life!
   — bob-haller

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