Lodged food or stomach acid?

I am four months post-op. I ate something (think it was a dense bread) that sat on my stomach for 3 days. I didn't know if it was a heart attack or what because the pain was in the area right beneath my breast bone. And I was constantly belching! Plus my pouch felt like it was churning and grinding. After the third day it didn't hurt as bad but I called the nurse and was told to come in if it didn't go away within the day or got worse. She also said to take my Prilosec (which I hadn't taken for about 3 weeks). I left work, took Prilosec, drank water, and laid down and within 2 hours it quit hurting. I don't know if this is something that happens with something being lodged or if it was stomach acid going crazy! Anyone else have that happen?    — Brenda H. (posted on October 17, 2007)

October 17, 2007
I have that happen to me and I am 3 1/2 years postop. When it still happens on occasion, I take pepto bismo and within 5 minutes discomfort is gone. Best of luck, Mick
   — MCraig3

October 17, 2007
I had my surgery on 4/2/07 and still cannot eat bread. It absolutely makes me miserable to the point I go in and throw up. There are still most things that still bother me, except soups, cottage cheese, string cheese. So welcome to our club.... eventually you get to where you don't even miss these things. Was told they are unneeded carbs anyway! But gosh I would love to eat 1/2 sandwich. Oh well. Good luck.
   — Suzanne B.

October 17, 2007
Thank you for asking this question I am only 4weeks post-op and have had this experience twice. The pain is crazy like being kicked in the chest, mine also feels like it goes through my back and like a rib separator is lodged in my r ribs. Then I start belching and drooling, then end up's horrid. I know TMI, but whatta ya do? I've had it all day today and my physician's nurse said it will pass too, but that if I am still unable to eat/drink or the pain is still there tomorrow to go in and get seen....I was really worried about leaks or an obstruction. You are not alone girlfriend, sad to say. Hope you feel better! And if you find anything out about this please let me know! Thx and take care! ~Tomi
   — Tomi D.

October 17, 2007
I had a similar problem at about one month post op for RNY. Ended up in the ER, with endoscopy, and advised I had developed 3 ulcers as result of food sitting in my stomach a few days. Went on Prilosec, every day, for 2 months. I am now about 6 mo post op and when these occasional problems occur, I am allowed to have 1 -2 swallows, only swallows, of diet coke - to eat away the offending food! It has worked great. Bread has been fine, eaten in small amounts - what I can't handle are all raw vege's and some cooked, especially green, veges. Hang in there and stick with the Prilosec or similar medication.
   — pvmeulen

October 17, 2007
I'm surprised you can have bread at this stage. After my bypass surgery I was instructed not to have bread until after 1 year. I did wait 1 year and I do have bread once in awhile but I'm very careful how much, I only eat whole grain and I eat very slowly but still at times my stomach does not handle bread well and I have talked with others that have the same trouble. Good luck to you.
   — [Deactivated Member]

October 18, 2007
Brenda, I think it's the bread. I had my VBG in April of 2000 and it's only in the last six months or so that I can eat very (VERY) small amounts of bread (like 1/4 of a 1/4 slice) without feeling like I'm going to DIE. Up until then, I could eat the crust off the edges of breads like ryes or hard dinner rolls, but not the inside. Anything harder -- breadsticks, crackers, croutons -- was okay, but not bread. I haven't had a sandwich in 7-1/2 years. Don't be in too much of a rush to get back to eating "normal" food -- take it easy. In my immediate post-op period I had a "three strikes and it's out" rule -- if a food made me sick or uncomfortable three times, it was off the menu permanently. I still have that rule, and there are still things, after all this time, that aren't on it. Take care,
   — Cheryl Denomy

October 18, 2007
Another possibility is gall bladder stones/inflammation. Time will tell. If it happens again without the bread ask your doctor.
   — conniew

October 19, 2007
That feeling below the breast bone is food getting stuck in there. Please continue to take your Prilosec always. Chew your foods well and limit your bread a lot. Don't overeat.
   — KRWaters

October 27, 2007
Thankfully I haven't had that experinece yet and I'm 6 weeks out. I have had other issues, but dumping and vomiting from food so far has not been a problem. I actually tried some toast the other day and did ok with it. I think if you are wanting bread, maybe try that. It just seemed to be easier going down. I toasted it and put a little peanut butter on there for protein. It was the best tasting thing ever, like a gormet meal. :) Just listen to your body, eat slowly and chew well.
   — juliebelle0402

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