3 weeks post-op and can't go to the bathroom, anyone else had this problem?

   — scockburn (posted on October 12, 2007)

October 12, 2007
My surgery was 10 days ago. Despite the walking and water I am having the same problem for the last 4 days. My surgeon's assistant recommends suppositories, but I think I'm going to try the chewable pineapple papaya tablets from Trader Joes today. They have always worked gently before. Good luck.
   — [Deactivated Member]

October 12, 2007
have you tried the stool softners? i know alot of people have this problem and different things work for different ones. i had my surgery on 10-1 and have been blessed with bowel movements everyday since. my doctors office told me to get a bottle of stool softners and use them as needed. Good luck!! hope this helps.... Holly
   — RNlvnCARSON

October 12, 2007
I'm assuming you are speaking of a BM? If so and you've tried stool softeners and it hasn't worked, contact your doctor immediately. Nothing to mess around with. Good luck. I was blessed within two days I had a BM and have been fortunate since.
   — Suzanne B.

October 12, 2007
i and my family have this chronic problem, even with the bariatric surgery 18 mo ago. We use Senna Tea Leaf bags. 8 oz boiling water, 2 tea bags of senna tea. let steep for 10 min and sip. it takes about 10 min to drink it. tastes very good just like plain tea. we do it before bedtime. Next morning it works. asked my general dr about it and he said it is ok. and as i said we have used it for years. I use it 2 - 3 times per wk. Buy it at Health food store. Make sure it is in bags so it is easier to use.
   — shalmar

October 12, 2007
Sherrie.....this was a major concern for me b/c I have Irritable Bowel Syndrome and I knew I would have to take something to control this, my surgeon instructed me to continue to take 1 capful of Mirilax in a 4-6oz glass of water each night. I count it as part of my fluids and it helps me to stay regular with no discomfort. It has no taste and is not difficult to drink. This will take a couple of days to work so don't expect instant results. You don't need to wait any longer r/t problem, let your surgeon know. Good Luck.....Rita
   — Mimi3

October 12, 2007
I had this problem and I was scared to death because I thought I might do damage by pushing. Stool softeners did nothing for me, I even started taking them before the surgery anticipating this problem. My doc recommended suppositories and that worked. I use(d) Fleets suppositories an it works well and works fast. I'd highly recommend them. Good luck...........
   — Stacey D.

October 12, 2007
I'm going with the assumption that you've talked to your doc about this, so I'll just tell you what finally worked for me after 11 yrs. And I'm a distal RNY! I use Miralax nightly, of course, and 4 stool softeners, but I finally added magnesium oxide (the commonest form, cheap) daily. That finally did the trick, as far as making sure what I pass IS passable and there is at least a little something daily. Because it is just a mineral we need, it is not like a laxative, so doesn't cramp or anything like that. I also use mag citrate (pills, not the green bottle) for foot and leg cramps, but that did not fix my bowel issue. That's magnesium oxide, the one at your local drug store, every drug store. Personally, I use 2 of the 500's, but 3 ties me tothe bathroom, so if you decide to try that, use your judgment and start with one til you see how it works.
   — vitalady

October 13, 2007
I agree that your doctor needs to be aware of the problem. If they just recommend a laxative perhaps you might try Miralax. It used to be sold as a Rx but is now available to anyone. It is the one tasteless laxative powder that I have found and also includes a stool softener.
   — tazthewiz23

October 13, 2007
It sounds like you and I are about the same date and have the same problem! I called my doc and they said to do try the metamucil. That didn't work and at 2 weeks they said to do the enema and then the stool softners. Just as I was about to do the enema, I got lucky and have done the stool softners but still no bm after that initial one. Called doc again. He said do the enema. got lucky again. But now....still nothing. So I'm trying the stool softners-one thing I had to change was I realized I had bought the gel capsules and realized thats no good for our new tummys. It's gotta be the caplets so we can break them down.
   — wowmomma

October 13, 2007
I am assuming that you mean that you are constipated. First, are you getting in any fiber? When you eat allot of Protein, this just happens. As someone else said, take a stool softener. Also, take some Benefiber, Citracal, or Medimusal. some kind of Fiber. You will find that this is a problem that doesn't go away. You need about 25 gms of fiber a day to help with this problem.
   — jk_harris

October 14, 2007
I had the same problem, I called the dr and they said to use glycerin suppositories which helped, I have the problem alot due to pain meds so my pcp has me taking colace, it works for me. If you feel bloated and backed up try a suppository or enema first since its been 3 weeks, if it doesnt help you should call your dr, in fact you should call your surgeons ofc. you dont want to go this long without having a bowel movement, you could have a blockage or something. They usually have instructions to follow and give you a nurse you can contact 24 hrs/day if you have any concerns before you go home. Good luck!!
   — purpleangel0909

October 15, 2007
I also had a prblem a few days out (surg. date 9/27) and was told to use Milk of Magnesium, 3 tablespoons and did the trick. I now only have a B/M every 3 days or so. Clarice
   — Clarice M.

October 22, 2007
I had problems after my surgery & my surgeon recommended warm prune juice. This worked somewhat until he suggested I drink citrucel 2x's a day. This worked the best & helped to alleviate the pressure & bloating as well caused by the constipation.
   — LornaZB

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