is it normal for even water to make you nauseauous?

i am 2mos post op and was doing fine but lately even water makes me feel sick. the vitamins, most foods etc make me ill. i wake up and feel sick. i have only lost about 40lbs. any advice??    — mammadukes (posted on August 30, 2007)

August 30, 2007
I have had some of the same things and i am about 5 weeks out try a little lemon juice in your water and try sugar free peppermints they work well for nausea
   — carli brown

August 30, 2007
for some reason, it seems water is a turn off for some people. try flavoring, like crystal light. that helps me.
   — tutty8buckwheat

August 30, 2007
I am 6 months out and will say that some days I still feel sick to look at food/water/liquid let alone actually putting it in my body. does get better with time, at least it did for me. Maybe once or twice a month now I feel icky.
   — jammerz

August 30, 2007
yes, sort of. how does water TASTE? Some ppl float a slice of lemon or lime or even cucumber in their water to change the pH of it. Have you reported this to your doc office? When did it start?
   — vitalady

August 30, 2007
Gas X helped me go through that rough spot. I often times took the max amount per day I could take. It took me about 3 weeks to get over that "everything makes me nauseasious" phase. Hang in there it DOES get better! Good luck and God Bless!
   — crystalsno

August 30, 2007
Hiya, I am 5 yrs. Post Op... First of all I want to point out something to you... Looke at what you have just said...40lbs in 2mo. FORTY POUNDS....!!! Most people can only loose about 16 lbs in 2 mo. Congrats to you... WOOO HOOO So Don't be discouraged you are doing Grrreaaatttt....! But also I want to tell you that yes for the first few months even tho they stress it... water is hard to get down... and you will feel yucky ... remember your tummy is brand new... its gonna take awhile to start feeling better... But I promise you will.... Don't be discouraged......The first couple of months is hard and nothing will sound good... believe me the day you get your appitite back you will wish for the day when just the thought of food made you sick... LOL Keep up the great work... You are doing Excellant... Love your WLS Sister Jo Michalko
   — Jo_Michalko

August 30, 2007
water made me ill, caused by ketosis which the OP is probably in losing so well:) I had REALLY bad breathe too. I added sugar free koolaid to water really strong and that worked well.
   — bob-haller

August 30, 2007
what's really sad here is you say you are 2mos. out and you ONLY lost 40lbs.!!! When's the last time you did that? Come on, the nausea will cease and things will be better ~ give it a chance and stop looking for excuses to not follow this. It's time for you to toughen up and get a grip...soon you'll be thin and happy so focus on that and keep up the super weight loss!
   — LouAB

August 30, 2007
oh i definitely think so...i'm about 3 1/2 months out and the queasiness seems to be worse in the almost feels like morning sickness...i don't have a taste for anything and meat is very hard for me to eat right now without getting sick...ya know what though? enjoy it while you can because from what i hear the time will come when you get your appetite back and then that's when the real work starts! congrats on the 40lbs and just remember...water, protein and vitamins!!!
   — lizzie42

August 31, 2007
I had somewhat the same problem with water initially after surgery. Plain water would give me very bad stomach pains. I would add Crystal Light to the water and would be just fine.
   — AngelaC.

August 31, 2007
Hang in there, girlfriend. It is normal. I loved water before surgery, but couldn't tolerate it until about 18 months out. I am now 2 years 2 months out and have reached a point where I can drink water again--if it's cold or hot. I have become an herbal decaf tea drinker. You might find that will help you get the fluids in. Celestial seasons makes many flavors, and you can make a pitcher of it at a time. Good luck. And, BTW, slow loss isn't a bad thing. Just as when you used to try to diet before the surgery, the rule that slow loss is more likey permaneent loss holds true. Have a great holiday weekend.
   — DianaE

August 31, 2007
I am 2 years post op and have lost 132lbs. I also went through this and just had to keep going,,,your weight will not come off as good if you are not eating enough. I found that I could drink cool unsweet tea and it would not make me sick. To this day cold water or any other extremely cold liquid will cramp me up. Stay away from all sugar it always would make me nauseated. I was able to start my morning off with thinning sliced orange and it seemed to level out my sugar which made it easier for me to eat other things...I would chew the orange really good and spit out the pulp...I know that may sound gross but it worked for me...Drinking actual orange juice would make me sick also...It had to be a fresh sliced orange..I know it sounds weird but you learn to stick with what I can eat about anything as long as I stay away from sugar and take lactaid before eating or drinking milk products...IT WILL GET BETTER! STAY POSITIVE!! I have never regretted my surgery!
   — Sherrier

August 31, 2007
I add a drop of peppermint to my water. It is natural & it freshens my breath.You can get peppermint drops @ the health food store.
   — bugkillermckee

September 1, 2007
Hi Connie, I am 4 months post op and had this happen to me. Consult with your surgeon. Ended up that I had an ulcer and needed some medication which helped tremendously. Good luck, DebbieJ
   — DebbieJ.

September 3, 2007
40 pounds is great in 2 months. I am 3 months out and have lost 49 pounds. I also still get sick at times but it is getting better.
   — Alvernlaw

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