protein drinks

does it deminish the protein value if you heat the protein drinks    — bettysboop2007 (posted on April 5, 2007)

April 5, 2007
not sure if it diminsihes the value but most say don't heat over 130 degrees F. That is a good question.. I know some are made to be heated. Just got a sample of Unjury Chicken Broth flavor... that is designed to be heated. Haven't tried it yet. but sounded good. LOL. Good luck and i look forward to reading the replies.
   — michelemcd

April 6, 2007
Heat changes protein. But I'm not sure about the protein in protein drinks--it could be that it has already been heated and pulverized or whatever enough that more heat is irrelevant. There's also a difference between warming something and boiling it. I would imagine that the source and form (soy vs. whey, isolate vs. concentrate, etc.) also play a part. You'd probably get the best info by contacting the company that makes whatever protein product you are using. Best wishes.
   — mrsidknee

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