I am breastfeeding and would like to continue to do so after my gastric bypass surger

Has anyone else been able to continue to breastfeed after gastric bypass? What about the drugs given during and after the surgery, is it safe for the baby to nurse after?    — luvsexytrstno1 (posted on March 12, 2007)

March 12, 2007
That might be a question for your surgeon. Plus you have to take into consideration that lifting is not encouraged after surgery.
   — the7thdean

March 12, 2007
I stopped breastfeeding about 4 months ago. My son is also going on 3 so it was definately time. However, I can not really see how you will be able to have a sufficient caloric intake to be able to sustain the milk production. Definately, you should ask your surgeon, though. Best of luck.
   — angela2b23

March 12, 2007
You're going to be on a narcotic pain killer after surgery. Most meds can/will pass through breast milk.
   — Snapefantasy

March 12, 2007
I don't have any children, but I'm going to try to critically think here. Breastmilk can be frozen for 3 months. Is there any way you could pump enough milk to be frozen until your healed enough to breast feed and are no longer on pain meds?
   — PurplePixie

March 13, 2007
You did not say how old your baby will be then. Mothers tend to pass vitamins, etc, on to their children and short themselves, but you should ask your surgeon. Can you reschedule your surgery for when the baby is taking cups? The benefits of breastfeeding are so good, that I hate to see you stop prematurely, but some of the drugs you would take do pass through.
   — Novashannon

March 15, 2007
Check with your child's doctor... as well as yours. Best wishes, Sid
   — mrsidknee

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