has anyone had a bad experence with doctors from mexico i'm alittle scared to get

surgery there. how do you get doctors checked out there.    — shady1 (posted on October 4, 2006)

October 4, 2006
Hey Kimberly, Well first hand, I am glad you are being honest... Remember, when ever in doubt back out... It is NOT to say that the doctors over there are BAD... Here is where the problem happen. What happens if you have a medical problem... There are very few doctors here in the USA that will take on another doctors work, expecialy one out of the country. This is a very serious operation...I even cringe when I here others going over to mexico to get plastcis done... You have several things to look at.. 1. first your have doubts 2. lets way the cost of re visits going back over to be checked in. 3. if you have an infection? I reaaly hopes this helps. Make sure to read my story in OH magazine this issue for October. It is me on teh cover... Respectfully, Celeste Momin I wish you the best of luck in your journey and if you have any questions do not hesitate to contact me privatly through my email or through open forum. I am here to guide and give success where I have once failed and thought I would never make it back to reality I love my life now... It is an amazing journey if you indeed treat this as a tool and serch very strong for YOUR "WHY" May you get all the answers you need! Celeste from 327 to 125 and holding on for dear life! :O)
   — shakeyourweight

October 4, 2006
Hi... I didnt have WLS over the border but I did have plastics and absolutely love my results. The best thing you could do is find a doc over here before you go that is willing to follow you post op. There are so many people who have gone over the border and are very happy. You can also try staying as long as possible over there. I know many surgeons offer a resort like setting to heal in...might cost a little more but you will have peace of mind of having your original surgeon close by. Best of luck to you!!!
   — Vegas_ T.

October 4, 2006
Hi! I had wls (open rny) in mexico and I also had plastics in Mexico. My rny was 3.5 years ago. Plastics were 2.5 years ago. There are just as many good - and bad - doctors in Mexico as there are in the U.S. It is YOUR responsibility, as the patient, to do your research. I did tons of research on both of my doctors. I have had no complications whatsoever with either of my surgeries. And, by the way, any emergency room will take you if you have complications - it's the law! So, if you really want to pick another country to have your surgery and you end up having complications when you get back - you can get someone to treat you. My insurance wouldn't cover wls or plastics but they covered everything leading up to the surgeries and everything since - including all my stitch and drain removal from plastics. Email me if you want more info. Paula O
   — [Deactivated Member]

October 5, 2006
I had a failed surgey in Mexico, but it really wasn't the drs fault, other than maybe he should have asked me about my previous abdominal surgeries. I went for a lapband and he had done up to 1000, but I had so much scar tissue that had screwed up my stomach, that the trocars stuck into my intestine and I had to have a colonostomy. Thats the way I returned from mexico. I went to my pcp, he sent me to a surgeon and although he raised his eyebrows, he gave me a reversal operation when enough time had elasped. I got no infection in Mexico, however, I had a month long infection after the reversal. The dr in Mex felt so bad, he gave me $3000 back, out of $5000. That had never happened to him before. I wish that I had called him and talked to him before the surgery to ask him about my abdomen having so many operations. So I feel that I share the blame.
   — geneswife

October 6, 2006
We lived in Mexico for several years, and had a lot of experience with doctors, and although never had surgery there (except dental), we had friends who did. I realize you may not have a choice if you do not have insurance that pays here. There were excellent doctors there, as well as totally incompetent ones. I would urge you to get many references on the doctor you choose - preferably from other Americans that you can speak to directly. There is really no other way to know. Their version of the AMA appears to have no big concern or control over anyone who is incompetent. I was told that if I wanted to sue a dental surgeon who caused me permanent damage from a botched root canal, all I could get was the money back that I paid her. She had been on the list of dentists recommended by an American group so I thought I was OK - the problem was that none of them had dental surgery from her, only routine care. The relative lack of malpractice suits is one of the major reasons that medical care is so much cheaper there. I also found that most physicians were generally more people oriented, and since they rarely got rich, were in it as a service to people - refreshing! I had many friends, both American and Mexican get plastic surgeries there and were happy with the results. We also knew of some world class specialists (not in WLS) in Mexico City who had trained all over the world. So, overall, I feel like it is harder to do the research on a doctor there, so you really have do your homework fully, find a doctor to follow you at home, and stay away from border towns. If the doctor claims to have trained in the US, call up that med school or supervising doctor and talk to them. You can't be too careful. It always disturbed us that as we traveled around Mexico, particularly in towns where tourists went, we frequently saw plastic surgeons and other "weight loss specialists" advertise by flyers stapled to light posts! Also, although most physicians speak English, often none of their staff do, so that can be disconcerting if you do not speak Spanish. And, you need to fully understand your doctor and make sure he answers your questions - don't blow off anything as "a language problem". If you need help doing the research, I might be able to help direct you to websites. Sorry if I scared you, but I don't want you to take any unnecessary chances. Good luck and let us know how it goes. (From Mary, Smith's wife.)
   — Smith C.

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