How do I start the hole surgery process!

I don't know if I should go to my doctor and suggest it and if so what if he doesn't say it is a good idea. How do I know if my insurance covers the procedure? I am so confused! Thanks so much Kristen    — KRISTEN267 (posted on November 30, 2005)

November 30, 2005
No I would bypass that Doctor all together.... Just go to the Surgeon who you have chosen to do this GB surgery... Thats where I would start... He will write a letter to your insurance company... This Surgeons staff will start you in all the nessasary things in preperation for the surgery.. Good Luck! Flo
   — Flo

November 30, 2005
I guess it all depends on what insurance company you have..with Tricare, you have to see your PCP first, and then she/he has to decide to refer you or not to a surgeon for further consultation. Look online for your insurance companies WLS policies, thats where I would start.
   — candymarie3

November 30, 2005
As a surgeon, I believe it is good idea to at least see your family physician so that you can have a general medical evaluation and to begin a medically supervised weight loss program. Most insurance companies require 6 months of medically supervised weight loss before consenting to pay for a surgical procedure. Unfortunately, many medical physicians do not appreciate the undeniable benefits to weight loss surgery, and so I would also schedule a visit with a surgeon so that you can begin the process of self education and evaluation. You can always change your mind later, and these initial evaluations cost little by comparison. Don't worry, there is no right and wrong. If you need help there is always a surgeon who can guide you through the process. -M.Brackman, MD
   — Dr. Brackman

December 1, 2005
I think knowing what your insuracne requires is important. But I went straight to a surgeon. His staff took over from there and really helped me through the process. I was approved 3 weeks after my first visit with him. Good luck!
   — ppaige

December 1, 2005
I bypassed my PCP and went straight to an informational meeting by the surgical group I chose. I then asked my PCP to write a letter stating that I had tried without success to lose weight....she did, and the rest is history. After my papers were submitted, I was approved by insurance in 4 days. Best of luck,
   — Luvitsunny

December 2, 2005
First, check the website of your insurance or call your insurance company and find out what they require for the surgery. Many want you to be on a doctor-supervised diet for several months before they will approve the surgery, and some have other requirements as well. also make an appointment with a surgeon, after researching it on this site and others. If you n eed other things done, you can still set your date with the surgeon - like if you have to be on a doctor-supervised diet for six months, you can have your date set for seven months. You can always cancel.
   — Novashannon

December 3, 2005
Don't be upset if you seek out a surgeon first and he says no way, you have to see your primary doctor first. That is what most people have to do. I would first go see your primary and get information from him/her. Also read what you can at Obesity Help, get all the information you can and read, read, read to help you decide if this is what your really want. I would read everyone's postings and see what they say. You primary doc will recommend a surgeon if they agree or maybe you have one in mind. It may take a few months to actually get your surgery scheduled or it may even take over a year. Don't get discouraged, most of us had to go through all these hoops and channels till we got the surgery we so much wanted. Oh yeah, if your primary doc doesn't believe in the surgery or says no, then you go find yourself a new primary doc. Ask around at obesity help for help in finding one that will refer you for surgery. I wish you luck. Karen
   — KRWaters

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