Will I ever have a bigger appetite

Hi friend's I am almost 4 month's post op from a gastric bypass and i can only eat about 2 tablespoon's at a time.then i am full Is this normal?Will i ever be able to eat more at a time? will I ever enjoy food again?Because now i hate having to eat.Please help?    — KIM B. (posted on June 13, 2002)

June 13, 2002
Enjoy it while it lasts because your appetite will eventually return. I didn't really have an appetite until about 7 months post-op and with my appetite's return I noticed I could also suddenly eat more--like a LOT more--than I had been eating. I really thought I had a staple line disruption. But I levelled off exactly where I should be--averaging about a cup of food at one year--sometimes less, sometimes more. I do enjoy food, although I view it a lot more as fuel than entertainment than I used to. =)
   — ctyst

June 13, 2002
I can't speak for everyone, but my appetite came roaring back at around 8 months. At 6 months, I began to be able to eat more than a few bites and now at 13 months post op I can eat "normal" portions. I often long for the days I could only eat a few bites as now I have to struggle to keep things under control.
   — Brenda H.

June 13, 2002
Let me just say...enjoy this while you can...when your appetite comes back--it really really sucks. I'm speaking from experience.
   — Craig A.

June 13, 2002
Yes, it is normal, and I really miss the days of forced restriction. I agree with Craig. I didn't have an appetite for nearly 15 months. Now at 2+ years post-op, I do. I'm the average person who wants to lose 25 lbs now. I really miss the days when food was a non-issue. Some days I feel as food focused as I was pre-op. If I'm not, however, old habits creep in too easily. My advice is to do everything you can to maximize your weight loss during the first 6-8 months. It will help you maintain in the long run.
   — [Deactivated Member]

June 13, 2002
You will soon be the person that you always wanted to see in the mirror. Your appetite will grow as time goes on. You need to excersize a little patience. In the mean time get your protein and suppliments as it is important for your muscel gain. You were a beautiful person before and you are only enhancing your beauty now. Good Luck
   — Robert L.

June 13, 2002
You will soon be the person that you always wanted to see in the mirror. Your appetite will grow as time goes on. You need to excersize a little patience. In the mean time get your protein and suppliments as it is important for your muscel gain. You were a beautiful person before and you are only enhancing your beauty now. Good Luck
   — Robert L.

June 13, 2002
Everyone is different..I am at 4 1/2 months post-op and eat alot more than you do. I can eat 3/4 of a Lean Cuisine or 1/2 a sandwich, for example. But as the others say, we should enjoy this period where hunger is not an issue, because in the not too distant future, those appetites of ours will come back, unfortunately. I prefer it this way, where I think I am hungry, but not sure, and don't eat anywhere near as much as I used to eat and still get full! I feel so normal now.
   — Cindy R.

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