Hi friend's i am 3 month's and 2 weeks post op from a gastric bypass i have not had a

ppetite in about 4or 5 day's this normal to not want to eat anything at all ? but i have been drinking fluid's because i do not want to get dehydrated.Did this happen to anyone else before?    — KIM B. (posted on June 8, 2002)

June 8, 2002
I know what you mean! I am only 9 weeks post-op but could eassily go all day without eating or feeling hungry. I make mysself eat meals and snacks to keep up with my protein needs and calorie needs. Isn't it WEIRD how you can no longer crave things the way we used to?!!! But don't skip meals, you need that protein!
   — Kim M.

June 9, 2002
Hi! I am 3 months post too and feel the exact same way! I have to remind myself to eat so I don't have pain. It all started 3 weeks ago when I got the flu and didn't eat for 3 days. After that I had no appetite and STILL don't. I too drink all day long to keep hydrated and literally have to remind myself to eat, I'll look at the clock and see 5-6 hrs passed since I last ate and thnk "Time to eat so I don't hurt." Good luck! :)
   — Renee V.

June 9, 2002
Kim, Eat anyway every two hours to keep your metabolism going!! Eat to live, remember ; )
   — Sherry C.

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