I had a TT on 12/28 and developed a large seroma, draining over 1000cc per day.
On Jan. 29th I had to go back for a revison since the tissue wasn't sticking down due to the seroma, and also had dehised at belly button. The recovery was going ok after that, My incison did dihise at the bottom approx. 1 inch wide, but very deep. The problem is that even with packing I get large amounts of air into my tissue that becomes very uncomfortable, I have to bend over and press the air out, like I'm an intertube. My doctor seems at a loss about this, says this is uncharted territory for him. After two months off, I went back to work this week. I am a RN and work 12 hour shifts. The first day went well, but today I just keep filling with air. The drainage has slowed down but not stopped. I am getting so depressed and my doctor seems to not know what to do with me. Has this air thing happened to anyone else. Help I need input!!!!!!!!! — DONNA T. (posted on March 7, 2002)
March 6, 2002
HELL-OOOO...does the term second opinion mean anything to you, Nurse? Get
thee to a wound care specialist pronto!!!That air may be being generated by
foreign organisms....
— merri B.
March 7, 2002
When I had ovarian surgery, I developed a seroma and was not allowed to
work. I am surprised your doctor has allowed you to continue working
especially with an opening like that and the job that you do. It took three
months for the drainage to stop. I didn't have the air problem, but I would
get another doctor. This sounds kinda odd to me. Good luck to you and I
hope you recover soon.
— Michelle H.
March 7, 2002
dear Donna, I am an RN also and therefore know very well (as I'm sure that
you do as well) that just because they're doctors doesn't mean they always
know everything. If your Dr. is "at a loss" to know what's going
on with you he should be the one referring you to someone who does! I
don't like that he isn't asking his colleagues their opinions on a case
that is out of his scope of practice. Please call him and say that you
want answers and reassurance and it's his job to figure this out or find
someone else to figure it out if he doesn't know. Good luck--
— Cheryl W.
March 9, 2002
I was an RN too, you can't tell me that you get all your protein in while
you are working 12 hr shifts. I remember barely having time to get a drink,
forget having time to run to the bathroom. Just from wls we will always
need more protein, more especially for wound healing. Figure how much
protein you were able to consume right after surgery, probably next to
none. While working you probably aren't even able to keep your liquids up
let alone your protein. Poor protein intake will compromise wound healing.
You might need to take time off from work( you might get your doctor to
write for medical time off so your open wound won't be around all the bugs
at the hospital)By having time off you can devote your time to getting
extra protein and liquids to help your body heal. Good luck, you've
accomplished so much so far, you deserve the best.
— Helen B.
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