HELP!!! How do I stop grazing???

It seems like I just finish breakfast (all protein - 1 egg & cheese) and I'm looking for something else. Am I not eating enough? Should I add yogurt too?    — Kristen J. (posted on March 17, 2010)

March 17, 2010
How far out are you? I am 9 weeks out and I eat about 4 oz of Special K w/ protein and then 45 mins after i drink drink drink ... I like the Hawaiian Punch sugar Free packets I put in my water. That keeps me full between meals. IF i do get hungry I eat alittle cheese. Just make sure you are not drinking 30 mins befor or after u eat. Make sure you are getting your 4 oz dont cheat yourself. DONT pvereat.. OUCH that hurts!
   — Kimsback

March 17, 2010
When did you have your sugery, and what type? I was on 6 small meals per day - about every 3 hours - for months and months, starting when I'd been home about 2 weeks. Of course, at first, they were only 2 ounces at a time, and then in between trying to get in my protein drinks... but at about 3-4 months, they scooted us up to 3 ounces 6 times per day....and told us that we needed to be eating "dense" protein - chicken, fish, tuna salad, even lean red meats if we could stomach them. The dense protein keeps us full for a lot longer, because the pouch has to work harder to digest it enough to go through your stoma into your intestines.
   — Erica Alikchihoo

March 18, 2010
I would add a protien shake, put it in the blender with some frozen strawberries and it will keep you fuller. Take the protien shake first and then your regular breakfast. it should help you get fuller faster and you may end up not eating as much. Also, find a protien shake that has a minimum of 30 grams of protien. I get mine at costco. Make sure to have 3-shakes a day that will help your snacking. it worked for me.
   — Chris O.

March 18, 2010
depending on when you had your surgery i would say add some dense fiber to your diet as well because fiber will always make you feel fuller longer and make sure it is all whole grain with a high amount of dietary fiber and add a piece of whole grain bread preferably organic and add that to the egg and cheese just make sure you only have one piece and don't overdo it because that hurts
   — JaVin70

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