Has anyone had any unexpected cost to pay before surgery?
I have been approved for my surgery thru the insurance.I went and paid the surgeon a chunk on Monday and thought that was all I would have to pay on this date and had understood the rest I could make in payments.I left the surgeons office and went to register at the hospital and was told I had to pay a few more thousand before surgery which was scheduled for Tuesday at 5 am.So since I had this unexpected cost I had to cancel for Tuesday.Now I am going to have to wait another month after going thru the liquid diet and everything .I am soooo disappointed! — davonjack (posted on January 13, 2010)
January 13, 2010
How frustrating and disappointing!! My surgery is on Jan.22 and I
certainly have not been made aware of this. Keep us posted
— ChristysJourney
January 13, 2010
Contact your surgeon's office about this. If everything wasn't stated
UPFRONT as in your insurance covering the hospital and now your out some
money. Cantact a Lawyer as this sounds of fraud.
— Michael Eak
January 13, 2010
Don't just sit back and keep paying out money. Get a written list of the
charges from the hospital, surgeon and insurance company. There may be
double billing (by mistake).
— Muggs
January 13, 2010
No I did not have to pay anything but my co-pays and the money that hey
tell you you have to pay at the first visit and then I asked what was the
$250.00 for and they said that it was for materials and meetings at the
hospital and I think that should come out of the Doctors pocket, all the
money that the surgery cost the have enough to spare. And that was
— maconit
January 14, 2010
I knew that I was responsible for the coisurance portion of my bill for the
endoscopy and the surgeon's charges for doing it which came to $202. I was
also told the same day I would be responsible for an additional$647 before
the surgery was done. This is assuming it is done at his office and not the
hospital. (he's part of a surgical center). Each time I go to see him its
$70 and each of the consults was $70. Its still a far cry from the total
cost of the procedure, however, I was shocked when I learned billing was
not allowed, becuase this procedure is coinsidered "elective"
— kchooker
January 14, 2010
your surgeon should of told you about the hospital portion. I HAD to pay my
surgeon 457.00 and the hospital 900.00 on the same day when I registered
like you. but I was told up front when they had scheduled my surgery. They
get an estimated amount of what the ins. will not cover and if you over pay
they will refund you. I am almost positve that they do not let you make
payments.I am so sorry that you had to rescheduled. good
luck..............Dawn C.
— dswing
January 14, 2010
I had to pay 250.00 then when I went in I had 125.00 which was for materal
I was told the 250 was to cover my co-pays but everytime I gone in I have
to pay. So I feel I should get my 250.00 back.
— kaybusk
January 15, 2010
I got a call from the hospital (insurance covered my MD completely) and
they required 2450 in estimated costs before they would schedule the
surgery. If it had not been for my Mom, I would have had to cancel. I
only spent two nights in the hospital but I have had no contact to give me
any money back. In one week I will call them and ask for a detailed bill.
Hang in there, the result is definatly worth the BS along the way.
— tlscannell
January 15, 2010
I was also told after the good news that I would hae to pay a chunck of
money. This is frustrating but just hang in there the gift is in the end.
It has to be.
— Takisha Williams
January 16, 2010
I had to pay my co pays for the visits, and then a seperate hospital bill
before the surgery. I was able to give them 500 on the day of surgery and
am now making monthly payments. It just depends on your insurance and the
hospital. If it's a private hospital they are going to be stricter than
others. Don't give up there is always a way to get things done. You may
have to make payments like me but it will be well worth it. It started at
509lbs and now way 322lbs. My surgery was on August 11, 2009. I was able to
return to work six weeks later and start paying the payments. Please don't
give up.
— saucedoj78
January 17, 2010
We had to pay for 2 sleep studies that were not completely covered to the
tune of about 1K. Had hubby not been in such a hurry to get this done we
could have had the VA do this and avoided the copays.
— [Deactivated Member]
February 24, 2010
My insurence covered everything ( medical mutuel). I visit a couple of
bariatric hospital before choosing cleveland clinic and some tried to
charge me 450.00. So of course I picked Cleveland Clinic and every thing
was covered I just paid a 1 $10.00 office visit.
— Mrscrprice
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