I'm having trouble getting my insurance to approve my surgery.
I have AVMED and its covered and I've met all their requirements but when I call to check on it they say they haven't got info from Dr and Dr's office say they've sent...Has anybody else had this problem or have any suggestions???? — Rita J. (posted on January 11, 2010)
January 11, 2010
Tell your doctor you want to pick up the paperwork and handcarry it to
AVMED. I had to do a lot of that sort of thing at the end, not because of
my insurance company or primary care doctor, but because of the bariatric
clinic. It's tough dealing with the frustrations and jumping through
hoops. Just remember it helps to be a squeaky wheel, although even then
there are lots of hoops and delays. God bless!
— Janell C.
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