When will the weight loss stop?!

My hubby had roux-en-y surgery on 2-26-09. He has lost 160 pounds already!! It's only been 6 months and we are VERY worried. He is down to 170 and is still losing 6-7 pounds per week!! He is not able to keep anything down and is currently on a PICC line for nutrition. He has been on the PICC line for a week and still lost 7 pounds last week. Please help! Thank you!!    — help_my_hubby (posted on August 24, 2009)

August 24, 2009
Hi Dawn, I think this is something you should call your doctor about right away if not the emergency room. If he has a PICC line and is still losing weight not able to hold things down, he probably has a stricture and has developed scar tissue somewhere in the stoma. Which they can do an upper GI to find out what the problem is. Please go ASAP. Also, once he is able to hold food down, if he bumps up his calories to more than 800-900 if he went up to 1000-1200+ he would maintain his weight. His body will start slowing down when he is getting the right amount of calories. I eat about 1200 plus and I maintain my weight at 138 lbs. So it is important to eat your meals and snacks to get those calories. Hope everything goes well with your husband, but please don't wait any longer. Seven pounds in one week, is NOT normal and the sticture needs to be fixed soon. Keep us posted please. I feel bad when people have issues. take care.
   — Kristy

August 24, 2009
Yeah, I concur...get to the Doctor!
   — lesleigh07

August 24, 2009
Yes - see your doctor immediately - maybe a new one if the doctor who has been seeing him seems unconcerned or is not aggressively seeking out the problem and an immediate solution.
   — Pamela Ryan

August 25, 2009
I am guessing if he has a PICC line he is being watched by his doctor. I hope they find out quickly what is causing the problem.
   — trible

August 26, 2009
Is he being followed by his surgeon as well as as his primary care doctor for this serious problem? I would be concerned.
   — gay_

August 27, 2009
The PICC line should slow down the weight loss if there is enough calories in the mix. You can find out from the pharmacist exactly how many calories/carbs/proteins are in there. I spent a year back and forth with them putting in the PICC line and I would stop losing and even gain a little and then they would take me off and the weight would start falling off again. Please make sure they are checking his liver enzymes because this was a very serious issue with me and they didn't catch it until it was almost to late. I know this isn't recommended for everyone but with my Dr's approval I had to increase my carb intake to keep from losing weight. This seems to be the answer for me. You just have to keep asking questions and trying things until you find the answer for him.
   — C. Burkhart

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