Can anyone NOT vomit?????

I am almost 7.5 years post-op (RNY Oct. 31, 2001) and aside from my experiences with eating too quickly and vomiting up food that had not been chewed sufficiently enough in the very early stages post-op, I have never and have never been able to vomit. I just recently either went through a spell of food poisoning or a stomach virus and despite horrible feelings of nausea and everything associated, I could NOT vomit. I have also had a few experiences over the years where I have probably had a few too many cocktails and have needed to throw up as well, and have never been able to. is there anyone else that experiences this?! Had I been able to vomit, I just know I would have felt better and it was so frustrating...thankfully, in 7.5 years, that has been the first time I have ever suffered from a stomach illness like that - I pray it never happens again!!    — MrsRobinson (posted on January 13, 2009)

January 13, 2009
I'm 7 years post op as well and have never vomitted...foamys yes,but a full on heeving it out vomit - never happens. The funny thing is, like you, there have been times I wished I could just get it done and over with.
   — kathcar

January 13, 2009
I am 7 months post op. Prior to surgery, I was not able to throw up either. When pieces of food would get stuck I could throw them up. The pain was incredible and had I not been able to get it up, I might have ended up in the hospital. I learned to stick my finger down my throat and when I am really sick or if I get something stuck, it will come up.
   — susangielda06

January 13, 2009
I'm 13 months post-op and I've had the lovely experience over the last few months to have not chewed well enough twice. Both times I desperately wanted to throw it back up and simply couldn't. I even tried guzzling water to force myself to throw it back up and all that came back up was the water. I haven't vomited since surgery. I guess we're safe from bulemia.
   — Launa N.

January 13, 2009
I'm 11 months post op from lap RNY. I recently had a little(ok a lot) to much to drink and tryed like crazy to vomit. I even stuck my finger down my throat and nothing would come up. So i was stuck suffing and learned to never EVER drink alcohol again. I've also had the stomach flu and couldn't vomit then either. Sorry to say this but it just all came out other end. I had been wondering the same thing about the vomiting with the flu. I'm so glad you asked and now i know it wasn't just me.
   — crystalking

January 13, 2009
You can only vomit if there is something in your pouch TO vomit...Once food or drink dumps into the intestines...It's not coming back up...It's already on it's way out the other end! The ONLY time I can vomit is if I have accidently eaten too much/too fast and the food is stuck and still in my pouch... We don't even have stomach acid/bile to vomit...There is nothing in there... And trying to vomit with NOTHING in the pouch has happened to me once at year 2 or 3 when I got a tomatoe skin coveriong my stoma...It felt like I was turning my pouch inside out...I had red and purple broken blood vessels all over my face from that episode too! I had to drink water when I felt the need to vomit just to make the urge stop or actually happen! It WAS awful! Lasted for several hours... Food poisoning though! WOW...I never even thought about that...I guess that is something we have to let wreak havoc on our bodies until it's run it's course! I have not been sick in years! (besides little colds) That's something to think about though! Might need to research that!
   — .Anita R.

January 13, 2009
Put me on the list too, so far I have never vomited even when I felt sick. It's really a yucky feeling!
   — katiecakes

January 13, 2009
i just want to let you guys who drink alcohol know something. When you drink alcohol smaller amounts of booze will get you drunk faster and as well as being drunk on a smaller quantity you also take twice as long to get sober. be careful please. less booze can cause you to get alcohol poisoning easier too. you tolerate the alcohol less so you may think i always could drink 4 drinks before i got ripped. and those 4 cdrinks could cause you to become severly ill and could be poisoned and may lead to death. most doctors tell you dont drink at a;; after the surgery. May cause liver damage faster too, because the alcohol bombards the liver all at one time causing fatty liver disease and cirrohissis of the liver too. And you do still produce stomach or digestive juices or bile after RNY or bypass like surgery it is just far less then normal size stomach would.
   — 2bethin62

January 13, 2009
I thought it was just me, too. I just had the stomach flu this week and was unable to vomit. I spent a lot of time dry-heaving. It's really annoying. Makes sense, though, that we probably wouldn't be able to vomit if there's nothing in our little pouches. Just another small inconvenience, I suppose.
   — fsu94

January 13, 2009
I have not been able to vomit (even when I feel sick and wish I could) since I had surgery 1 month after RNY to "tack things back in place". I can gag and heave but I can't throw up and it's amazing how sometimes you really wish you could!!
   — Fluffee

January 14, 2009
RNY on June 23, 2003...never been able to vomit since!!! have had bad flu virus twice, thought I would die.... wished I would, since I couldn't vomit. Drank so much water thinking it would help, but did not help at all. Oh well, we will just suffer!!! Otherwise, I feel great. 295/170/190
   — Kathy R.

January 14, 2009
I also have a hard time vomiting. My surgeon and I discussed it and while he agrees it's uncomfortable its not unhealthy. He did give me a prescription for a medicine that will relax the muscles and allow me to bring food backup. NOTE: I can't drive for 8 hours after a dose so keep that in mind. Actually he said there are two drugs he could prescribe, one melts on the tongue(its expensive and most insurance plans don't cover) the other is a suppository (the one most insurance plans will pay for and it's not as expensive if you are paying on your own.) I have the suppository, have used it once and it worked just fine. I assume they have a long shelf life so I'm keeping the remaining few for 'just in case'.
   — mbrendel

January 14, 2009
I was revised from a VBG to proximal RNY on 5/22/2000 and I am another one who deals with this. If I have something stuck I definitely get the foamies and if I am LUCKY can get food up, otherwise I am miserable until it passes. I have had times where I have had stomach viruses and a lot of times when I had too much alcohol (I transferred addictions and am 4.5 years sober now but had alcohol poisoning multiple times in the 3.5 years that I drank) and I would gag and dry heave and after much effort I could get some bile up but have broken so many capillaries in my face in the process. I take a medication for my restless legs that makes me sick ever so often and I still go through the motions but nothing comes up. What's funny is I have friends who have also had RNY who have no problem vomiting. It's crazy! I suggest everyone keep a supply of phenergan suppositories on hand if you are one of those who cannot vomit. No sense putting yourself through all that if no good is going to come from it.
   — Kellye C.

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