How long does it take for hair loss to stop and for regrowth to kick in ?

For example around how many months do our bodys start to regulate ?    — sugadaddiewanted (posted on September 24, 2008)

September 24, 2008
Mine started around 3 - 4 months post-op. Now at 7 months post-op it has slowed down. Could tell some that my hair was a little thinner ... but not bad! Took biotin but never noticed it helped at all! Don't take it anymore. I think it just falls out early on and once your body adjusts it slows down.
   — Tammy Cardwell

September 24, 2008
I started losing scary amounts of hair at 3 months post op...It continued for about three months...You could see thru my hair to my scalp! Scared the heck outta me! Then I noticed the peach fuzz hair coming back at my greatly receeded hair line 3 months after it started. So At about 6 to 8 months things begin to regulate into what will be your new "normal"...That's about how long before my pain stopped from open RNY too....Long healing time! Just a memory now...Recent thyroid troubles have my hair falling out again...EEERRRRGGGGGH!!!! Just started meds two weeks and it's starting to slow down...It's scary losing your hair...but it does stop...If it doesn't improve after 3 months, you need to go get labs that check all your vit levels and thyroid.
   — .Anita R.

September 25, 2008
My hair loss started pretty noticably around 3 months and stayed that way until about 8 or 9. My first surgiversary is this Saturday, and it is starting to fill back in nicely. I started taking 4000 mg of Biotin a day when the loss first started, and continue to this day. It's hard to know if it helps since our bodies are going through so much, but I can say that my re-growth is growing at a pretty fast rate. Just another one of the side effects this is well worth the sacrice for the results we get! Hang in there, this too shall pass :-)
   — Deni

September 25, 2008
I lost hair fairly steadily for a couple of months. I'm 9 months out, and I've got lots of little hairs about an inch long. My hair doesn't fall out much anymore - except when I'm not getting in my protein.
   — gonnadoit

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