I'm having really bad pain if left side under rib
It is a pain that has been happening for about 2-3 weeks now. Not all the time but when it comes it hurts so bad. I'm 18 months out from RNY. I am hurting to breath and wondering if anybody else has had this problem...Thanks for looking! — swtxcaligrl (posted on August 29, 2008)
August 28, 2008
I would suggest a call to the DR. I had pain like that right after surg,
and always let my DR check it out. Mine was my lung,it is fine now. It may
not be from you are 18 months out. May be something else going on.
When you have pain when you is important to have it checked out
as soon as you can.
Will keep you in my prayers.
— tootsie52
August 29, 2008
Anytime you have chronic pain especially as severe as this, you need to see
a doctor. 2-3 days is one thing....2-3 weeks is quite another! Don't risk
your health...It might be something or it might be NOTHING at all...Call
the doc now...Hope you feel better real soon!
— .Anita R.
August 29, 2008
This pain is gas. It comes from constipation, my DR. told me it was real
common and you can take a mild stool softener.
— dapoohster38
August 29, 2008
Have you done anything strenous lately? Could you have pulled a muscle? I
have am 2 months post op and I have pulled 4 different ones in my stomach
area. I have talked to my dr about this and she says its common with the
open RNY and you tend to favor the incession. I would call the dr and
check in most certianly and make an appt to be checked out. Its better to
be safe then sorry!
— armywife721
August 31, 2008
Also could be a posssibility of gall bladder get it checked out if you
stilll have yours if you dont then its something else.still get it
— cathacus
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