I am one year post op lap band. Have been having trouble with

coughing at night. When I cough up matter it is usually clear mucus looking matter. Sometimes the coughing makes me vomit. Anyone experience this? if so, what did your doctor do?    — samcajun (posted on June 7, 2008)

June 7, 2008
I sounds to me like GERD (reflux). You should try these home remedies first, and if problem goes away it was GERD: 1. No food for 3 hours before bedtime. 2. Raise the head of your bed about 4 to 6 inches (2x4s under the headboard). 3. No tight belts. 4. Avoid alcohol or acidic foods especially in the evening (orange juice, tomato sauces, coffee). If you only get mild improvement you may need medication. Do not ignore this problem as it can damage your esophagus over the long term. Little to no improvement? See your doctor. Good Luck, Nancy Carle, RN
   — nancycarle

June 7, 2008
I sounds that you are eating late and fast. U uswed to get this because I ate dinner in front of the TV and ate to fast. I would salavate and swallow it, about 2/3 hour later I would cought and the clear bobble mixture was just the slavia that when down my through. I started having dinner at 6:40PM, no TV and taking 20 to 25 Minutes to eat. It went away. One night I was hungery, so I at some fruit and did it again in front of the TV, and ate in about 5 monutes. I had the same old issue come up. Hope this helps yopu. Be sure not to ftink for 1 hour after eating, and eat slowly chewing your food 50 times a bite full.
   — William (Bill) wmil

June 7, 2008
I sounds that you are eating late and fast. U uswed to get this because I ate dinner in front of the TV and ate to fast. I would salavate and swallow it, about 2/3 hour later I would cought and the clear bobble mixture was just the slavia that when down my through. I started having dinner at 6:40PM, no TV and taking 20 to 25 Minutes to eat. It went away. One night I was hungery, so I at some fruit and did it again in front of the TV, and ate in about 5 monutes. I had the same old issue come up. Hope this helps yopu. Be sure not to ftink for 1 hour after eating, and eat slowly chewing your food 50 times a bite full.
   — William (Bill) wmil

June 8, 2008
You sound to tight.My doc says if u have a cough at night its reflux and u need to call immed,you can make your band slip.
   — Sandy Hanson

June 11, 2008
Shelly, it's called "sliming". I think Williams reply is on the right track. I'd probably drink some hot tea so it would works it's way down not up. Good luck.
   — wilkin

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