
I have pre-op Jitters! Need some encouragement! My date is set for 6/16 RNY.    — mymissy1015 (posted on May 24, 2008)

May 24, 2008
if you are a 'believer', I have some help for you. My surgery is May 27, and this 'help' sent my jitters on a quick trip. write me back using my profile Lyn
   — SkinnyLynni2B

May 24, 2008
I had my RNY back in December 2007 and am so grateful now that I did it. I believe you will feel the same way. I was nervous also but had come to realize that without the surgery, I would one day be facing a heart attack and that scared me more. Hang in there and remember that God is fully aware of what you are getting ready for and He is already there! Jeremiah 29:11 Be blessed
   — Breathin4him

May 24, 2008
Hello, I had my surgery on March 7, 2008. Know that everything will be okay and you will be glad that you did it. There is discomfort after the surgery but nothing that you can't survive. Have faith that everything will be fine. God Bless, Yolanda
   — sagarmy

May 24, 2008
You think you have "jitters" I went through prep for surgery 2 times before my actual surgery the 3rd time, my surgery was canceled at the last minute twice. Nothing to do with me or my health, doctor/hospital miscommunication. Anyway, the first 2 times I was very nervous but by the 3rd time, I was like, let's get it over wit already, smile. It was a piece of cake. They took me back and let my family come back to see me before going off to surgery and then I felt really "loopy" and the next thing I knew, the nurse was calling my name in recovery. There was no pain or sickness for is not always the case but you have nothing to be worried about. Put your life and the doctor's know how in God's care and trust and believe that all will be fine. Prayer is a beautiful thing and once you have faith and believe, God will answer. Good luck to you and you will be in my prayers!!!
   — PAWLLA L.

May 25, 2008
Here are some thing to think about. If you had an attach of appendicitis and were rush to the hospital and they told you it was about to rupture, would you say, let me think about it? Now you would have the surgery. Well RNY WLS is no more dangerous than Appendicitis. Yet we get to make up our mind if we want it. Well you might say my weight is no life treating, well not yet, but I had diabetes for 25 years, and yet I did not die. It did attach my eyes, and my legs, and yet the surgery cured me of it and the 19 drugs I was taking for it, high blood pressure, and cholesterol. I still will have the damage to my eyes, and legs, but I am better of than a good friend that had kidney failure and die from diabetes Type II. He only had it 8 years before it killed him. Yes I will have the five stents in my heart for the rest of my life, but I am alive today, I go to the gym every day and I now play golf. I can do things with my grad kids, and maybe see them married and have great grand kids. My friend did not to see his own kids marriage. So relax, you have made the right decision, and you are on the path to a better and richer life. We know the diets we have tried don't last but RNY weight loss surgery does. I lost over 100 lb in less than 6 months. I got 70 lbs to go to my goal, and I attended a 45 high school reunion last week and 90% of my class is overweight and it was only me that was overweight in high school. Now they look at me like the wonder guy, who at my age took on the weight challenge and won. You will love the longer life you are giving yourself. The first 6 weeks are hard, but it is great after you get over the stumbling block you are putting in your own way. Best of success to you!
   — William (Bill) wmil

May 25, 2008
Congratulations on your choice! You are doing a wonderful thing to improve your health and the quality of your life. The people in your life are going to benefit from this too, because there are so many things you are going to be able to do in the future. You will be amazed at how much better you feel once the weight starts coming off. It is perfectly NORMAL to have the jitters before surgery. Remember, though, not to kid yourself. The reason we qualify for this surgery is that the risk of staying obese is greater to our life than having the surgery. It just doesn't feel that way because most of use are accustomed to being obese. Yeah, it's a lot of changes, and yeah, it's a lot of challenges, but the rewards you reap far outweigh the challenges. Please post and let us know how you are doing. I strongly recommend you look at the Health Forum and sign up for the mini challenges that we do there. They are a great way to get support, and stay on track. I wish you an uncomplicated surgery, a speedy recovery and a joyous new life.
   — Shirley D.

May 27, 2008
I am 3 1/2 months post-op from RNY and have had the most support from this site. I almost backed out the night before surgery. I had major panic and crying attacks. I even asked my husband if he would be disappointed with me if I backed out. After I got to the hospital that morning the surgical nurse that was taking care of me pre-op made me feel sooo much better also. If I hadn't had this site or that nurse I probably would have never made it to the hospital. I can't imagine that now that I have lost 70 pounds and feel FANTASTIC!! The only regret that I have is that I didn't have the surgery sooner and that I almost backed out. I Love my RNY!! Good luck to you and God Bless!!! You are going to be soooo happy and proud of yourself after the surgery, I guarantee it!!!! Angie (sillyguts)
   — Sillyguts

May 27, 2008
I was also nervous, I don't think that anyone could say that they weren't. If you look at the end result instead of the actual procedure should help. I am 8 weeks tomorrow from my RNY and have lost 50lbs. So it is all worth it IV and all.
   — tmasten

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