Anyone experience dizziness?

I have experienced some dizziness ... from time to time. Ecspecially if I am bent over and then raise up too quickly ... feel like I could faint at times. I called my doctor today. I thought I would need B-12 shots. They said B-12 would not help ... that it sounded like I might have low blood pressure ... and for me to go see my regular doctor. I have never had issues with blood pressure ... high or low. Unsure how having this surgery could of affected. Any advise??    — Tammy Cardwell (posted on April 30, 2008)

April 30, 2008
Hi, Tammy. Weight loss often brings on lower blood pressure. Maybe if, at a more normal weight, you were the type of person who would have low blood pressure. That's just a thought. My husband sometimes gets really low blood pressure and I have a colleague to whom this happens. Their symptoms sound a lot like yours. Both of them are at normal weight so it really doesn't hurt if they eat something salty to try to get the BP up, but when I think of salty things I really don't come up with anything that is good for us to eat. Also they have been advised that moving around (i.e., walking) will help bring the BP up. Still, all that came after being checked out by their doctors. I wouldn't advise walking around unless you are fairly sure you really aren't going to faint. Good luck when you see your doctor.
   — jujuprof

April 30, 2008
I think it's wise to check with you PCP. they may want to check some of your blood levels. Iron for instance. Get it checked out, better safe then sorry.
   — waterlover

April 30, 2008
All of my life my pulse was on the low side, normally about 55. Never gave me any problems. I had RNY on May 10, 2006. Early in 2000, I began having dizzy spells, and consulted my doctor. Through a series of tests and a final referral to a cardiologist, the problem was finally diagnosed. My bp had been documented at 38 and 45 in the doctors office. The cardio doctor showed me the results of my last Holter Monitor test. I had short periods of high bp, and heart rate returned to the normal slower pace. Then once in a while, on the return to the normal rate, the transition made the heart beat slower than normal--probably causing the faint feelings or actually fainting, as I had done twice. This was on Feb. 8, 2008. On Feb. 12 I had a pacemaker implanted to control the lower heart rate, and I now take the old bp pills I took for 10 years prior to RNY. The RNY doensn't affect the bp or heart. I'd get your bp checked by your gp to make sure things are ok, and discuss your dizzy or faint feelings with him. My dad passed out one month after my pacemaker, and he got an implant a 2 days later too.
   — Dave Chambers

April 30, 2008
All of my life my pulse was on the low side, normally about 55. Never gave me any problems. I had RNY on May 10, 2006. Early in 2000, I began having dizzy spells, and consulted my doctor. Through a series of tests and a final referral to a cardiologist, the problem was finally diagnosed. My bp had been documented at 38 and 45 in the doctors office. The cardio doctor showed me the results of my last Holter Monitor test. I had short periods of high bp, and heart rate returned to the normal slower pace. Then once in a while, on the return to the normal rate, the transition made the heart beat slower than normal--probably causing the faint feelings or actually fainting, as I had done twice. This was on Feb. 8, 2008. On Feb. 12 I had a pacemaker implanted to control the lower heart rate, and I now take the old bp pills I took for 10 years prior to RNY. The RNY doensn't affect the bp or heart. I'd get your bp checked by your gp to make sure things are ok, and discuss your dizzy or faint feelings with him. My dad passed out one month after my pacemaker, and he got an implant a 2 days later too.
   — Dave Chambers

April 30, 2008
Hi Tammy, About 6 weeks after wls I went into a department store and bent over to tie my shoe laces. When I came up. I just passed out and fell over backwards through a glass jewrey counter. I only got scrached, but what a mess. I went to my cardeoligest the next day as I had come off my blood pressure medication because I was feeling light headed. In total, I assed out three times, once at the gym, the doctors office and the store. All when I bent over and came up quickly. Turns out that in just 6 weeks, I went to low blood pressure and a much slower heart rate. The doc said it was a combination of all the excersize I was doing and the weight loss. The B-12 shortage will only make you feel tired. In any case, they got it under control now. I don't take anything for Blood pressure, but they do give me something for heart rate. If you are working out every day, hold off a day or two until your doc checks your blood pressure. Also have them check it sitting, laying down and standing. I had big differences in those different positions. Best of success to you.
   — William (Bill) wmil

April 30, 2008
For me, personally, when I don't get enough fluids I get dizzy easily. It could be something as simple as that. However, the best thing is to follow-up with a physician who can do the necessary blood work and testing required to find the source of the problem.
   — LuvNSummer

April 30, 2008
It sounds like what you are describing is a big medical term called "orthostatic hypotension". This means that your blood pressure drops quickly when you go from a lying/sitting position to a standing position and makes you feel faint. I am an RN and have seen it a lot. It is common if people are dehydrated or need to come off of their blood pressure meds. To diagnose this, the doctor's office should check your pulse lying down, sitting up and then standing. BP drops, pulse goes up. Based on the results, the doctor should be able to treat you accordingly. Get in to see your PCP asap. In the meantime, drink plenty of fluids and stay very hydrated and change positions slowly. When you wake up, sit up very slowly and dangle your feet off the edge of the bed to let your body adjust. Then, stand slowly- preferably with someone at your side. Might be a good idea not to drive and keep someone with you until you get things figured out. Good luck to you, Dawn Vickers, RN, BLC, CLC
   — DawnVic

April 30, 2008
Be very careful with the dizzies, I had a bad experience passing out at was sooooo doc said that i got up out the bed too fast, and that i was dehydrated and need to constantly drink water all day..this is true, i am feeling much better now and hopefully you will soon..
   — nzuri33

April 30, 2008
Hey Tammy...Gosh...I had the same issue...I found through my family doctor that I was severely wasn't due to low blood pressure (so to speak), even though my pressure stays on the low side...but when you are anemic, your orthostatic bp's will change (this means sitting, standing, laying down) WILL drop as you stand up quickly, almost putting you on your behind...get your blood checked...I had to have 45 days of IV iron to get my level back up ( I do not absorb iron since the surgery)...and when I start dropping...I have to get them's not that bad, you get used to it...I knew it was a risk when I signed on...I just have to be a little more results were well worth it! Good luck and get it checked! Samantha
   — Samantha M.

April 30, 2008
I get this with my anemia too. Haven't passed out yet...but I see black and a pinhole of thru a tunnel...I've been careful to hold onto things when getting up from squatting...I think it has to do with the lack of oxygen in the blood..I've been fine for 4 years...then suddenly I am losing my vitamin stores from malabsorption...Had to double up on some of my vits and minerals...It's amazing how a deficiency can cause your system to go so out of whack...All I can say, is DO NOT ignore symtoms...Just go get it checked out...Hope you get to the bottom of it!
   — .Anita R.

April 30, 2008
Just wondering if there is a possibility of low blood sugar. I know my sister gets dizzy when her blood is low. Any diabetes in your family?
   — Val_T

May 1, 2008
I do this sometimes and so does my daughter. Her problem is from headaches but her dr. suggested that she eat a dill pickle and I tried this also and it seemed to help me. I didn't eat the peeling just the inside and the sodium seem to help. Good luck to you and God Bless You!
   — okiegirl

May 1, 2008
I am 9 years post op and have had problems with low blood pressure since I have had the surgery. I still have it and it can be a pain in the butt sometimes. But, you have to lower and raise yourself slowly.
   — nascar_angel_3_2003

May 1, 2008
This could be a blood PRESSURE problem or a blood SUGAR problem. Either one would cause you to pass out if you move too quickly trying to stand. You should see your physician as soon as possible.
   — hubarlow

May 2, 2008
I have had the same problem but found it was caused by low potassium. My doctors put me on a drug called Aldactone three times a day and my potassium has stayed stable, but it caused me to spend several weeks in the hospital, then to be followed by home health care twice a week for six months. The source of the low potassium was never discovered, we are treating the symptom and not the cause at this point. Best wishes to you. Yours, Jo Ann
   — PedalSteelGirl

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