Has anyone sucessfully flattened their belly pouch?
I've lost like 90 lbs but cannot seem to get of the big pouch on my belly! It's no where near needing plastic surgery, but I cant' get rid of this "foopa" and I'm only 23 and its extremely embarrassing for me. Has anyone sucessfully gotten rid of theirs totally, and if so, how?? — wecangetright (posted on October 24, 2007)
October 24, 2007
I too had a large apron of fat after losing 162 lbs one year out, but after
doing lots of stairs it is very minimal. I don't work out but I work in a
five story office building with Dr's on each floor and I am in and out of
the offices all day and don't use the elevator unless I am carrying
something that requires the use of a cart. Best of luck
— tjmoore8570
October 25, 2007
Have you be exercising? I'm preop, but I've lost almost 20 lbs so far and
found that my legs are thinner because I've been doing a lot of walking,
but my belly hasn't changed. I just bought the basic Pilates ball and
workout stuff - it was a set at Costco) so I can start toning that because
I was doing Pilates at Physical Therapy and it really worked.
— obeseforever
October 25, 2007
I am considerably older than you and could not flatten mine by exercise. I
wear a mesh lycra panty that really tucks my belly in well. You might want
to try a new panty until the exercise takes care of your problem. They are
not expensive -- I pick mine up at WalMart.
— SAChick
October 25, 2007
I hate to tell you, but it might not go away. I had my surgery 4 years
ago, lost 100 pounds and 2 months ago I finally got rid of it by having a
tummy tuck. My plastic surgeon removed 6 pounds of skin from my tummy.
Best money ever spent!!! My husband also suprised me by coming up with
the money for new boobies. Boy what a difference! Nothing is sagging now.
Best of luck to you! If that is not in the budget try buying some Spanx
power panties. They help to suck everything in.
— Carlyn M.
October 25, 2007
truthfully if you havnt had children you stand a chance but realistically
its over stretched skin like a balloon, and it may need surgery. i used
dr fodero in livingston nj and hope to down load before and after pics this
weekend and i thought my gut was not that bad. laida
— laida
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