Has anyone else experienced a yukky taste in your mouth after surgery.

   — Jackie W. (posted on April 27, 2007)

April 27, 2007
When I had that taste and I kept smells something too, my doctor told me that is when you body is in a High fat burning phase.....That is a GOOD thing! It will pass. Congrats!!!!
   — Marie B.

April 27, 2007
Yes I know I did. Everything was gross for about 2 weeks. Also people had a horrible oder especially if they ate any garlic. I still can not stand the way garlic smells but I do love the taste.
   — Diana06

April 27, 2007
Hi Jackie, and welcome to the losing side! Many people go through what you are going through. I kept winter green life savers around for freshness. Try a low calorie mint from time to time. It can pass, but it may be a side issue from your surgery. A small price to pay for the great tool you got. That is how I look at it. Take care, Patricia P.
   — Patricia P

April 28, 2007
   — mrsidknee

April 28, 2007
CONGRATS its Ketosis, your body is burning your fat, it means you are losing well. Its normal and not dangerous. Yucky taste bady mouth and body odor. It will go away eventually, I remember being so happy when I stunk! But its coming up on 6 years for me. time sure flies.
   — bob-haller

April 28, 2007
   — jennewlfe

April 29, 2007
As the other posters have stated, it's the ketosis. I found that drinking just a little bit of grape juice (like welch's) gets rid of that taste in your mouth. Best of luck to you!
   — jeannieree

April 29, 2007
Yes! For the first month my breath was awful. I couldnt even stand it. My husband wouldnt say anything, he would just hand me a piece of gum. The doctor told me I would have bad breath for awhile. It did go away.
   — barfiep01

April 30, 2007
Yes, I had it too for about 2 months--- I got a LOT of sugar free wintergreen mints and went through a roll of them every few days. It does go away, just be glad you're burning fat! :) congrats!!!
   — airbear762000

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