Have DS and want surgery..?

DS was after gallbladder removal 3 years ago. Will I still be eligble for WLS ?    — PrettyInside (posted on January 26, 2007)

January 27, 2007
I do not see why you could not go on and have DS. I had RNY after having my gall bladder ('91) out many years ago. What is making you think that you could not go on and have any form of WLS now? Chris
   — ChristineB

January 28, 2007
Lori, I think your questions are a little difficult to understand. The DS is an abbreviation for Duodenal Switch, a type of WLS (weight loss surgery). However, I think you are saying you have "dumping syndrome", is this correct? Not sure why someone with gall bladder removal would have dumping syndrome. It's a normal side effect for patients with the RNY (Roux En Y), generally from eating sugar. If you are unfortunate enough to suffer from dumping syndrome already, the last thing you would want is MORE dumping. I would not opt for RNY, but possibly another type of surgery. The Duodenal Switch or VSG almost never have dumping as a side effect. Hope I answered your question.
   — [Deactivated Member]

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