weight gain of 40 lbs. after 5 years

i am gaining a total of 10 pounds a year. and it just keeps going.had a bread test done last year and the barium test showed no leaks. I am very frustrated. have found alot of patients with same doctor having the same weigt gain! Does anyone have and ideas or suggestions? thank you Sherry in Arizona    — luvmytrucker48 (posted on September 10, 2006)

September 10, 2006
I had started gaining weight and had a staple line breakdown, did you get a upper GI done? I have the VBG which I am getting a revision to a RNY. It's been a hard battle but my insurnace will pay to have the band taken off abd the hospital stay I am paying my surgeon $5,000 to do the RNY while he is doing the reversal. I lost a total of 157 pounds. My lowest was 151 pounds and then my highest before my surgery all most 6 years ago was 311 and 278 or so day of WLS. I am now sitting at 200lbs. I hate the weight gain as I have followed everything, I was glad to hear after worring for so long that I had a stapleline breakdown as I didn't know anything about breakdowns till I spoke to my surgeons office and then had the upper GI done twice. Good luck to you. Dawn
   — Dawn K.

September 10, 2006
your sadly about average, nearly all regain at least some, myself included. still way healthier and happier than pre op.
   — bob-haller

September 10, 2006
I run a support group with 40-60 members per night. From what I am taking a reading on, those who are gaining weight is because they need to go back to the basics. Measure your foods, stop eating those foods that got you in that position to begin with. No pasta, No rice, No breads. Everyone who is having problems is because they forgot how they got fat to begin with. They lost a lot of weights fast, and now it is catching up with them again. Excercise, eat, and drink is the next important items you must follow. I think of u just go back you will start losing weight again.
   — Steve Cohen

September 10, 2006
Some bounce back is normal, of course. Your surgery is intact and you still have restriction? The national stats for a proximal RNY is 50% of excess weight lost at 5 yrs. That means, of course, that some will reach and hold 100%, as well as those who will be at 20%. And that's very frightening. BUT, stats being what they are, it's very possible that you are still eating/drinking right and still having some regain. The things is does to our HEADS! OMG! You might want to hang with some other long terms who are fighting with regain and what they are doing to combat it.
   — vitalady

September 10, 2006
I have joined Barbara Thompson's Back on Track program. It has helped so much to get back to basics with some help! Go to for some real help! Good luck! Jennifer
   — jensawyer

September 10, 2006
Get yourself back into a ketosis state again. Absolutely no carbs for about 7 days and the limit them to 50 grams a day or less. It works! Once you clean your system of carbs, you will not crave them and loosing weight will come. Vera
   — vhoupt

September 10, 2006
Call me silly, but I've tended to find that when many of us experience a weight gain (from a modest 10 pound bounce to a 50-75 pound gain) it is not just that we have forgotten who "we got fat in the first place", but it's because something is triggering an emotional return to using food for something more than nutrition. We all go into the process fully aware that all of our live's ills will not be cured with weight loss. But, then we get this great emotional lift as we lose, we have renewed confidence, start to develop a positive body image and then, out of nowhere, many of us hit the same freakin' brick wall that had always been in our path (job dissatisfaction, family illness, unsatisfying personal relationship, marital stress)-- or, after the thrill of the weight loss is gone, we look for something else that will give us the quick pick-up that looking in the mirror or trying on the size-smaller jeans once gave us. And, for some (at least me on occaision) that has meant looking for a food with an emotional trigger or with an "exciting" flavor. Because any bounce I've experienced is due to using food for an emotional reason, I have found that reaching out to support group peers, seeking some professional counselling and intensive introspection help. Good luck in regaining control over the role food plays in your life.
   — SteveColarossi

September 11, 2006
I will post the hypertrophy warning that I posted on my local support group site as well. This was passed along to me on both the Yahoo OSSG Grad and Off-Track groups about hypertrophy after RNY surgery. There is a REASON we are told to eat tons of protein and take all our supplements. That reason is that if we don't, we might very well end up where we started off weight-wise, or worse. The science behind it is that because we malabsorb (which definitely helps us lose the weight at first), our bodies will learn to adapt to that if we aren't giving it the added protein and supplementation it needs. If you can't handle solid protein meats you definitely should be taking in protein in another form (protein liquids or shakes). How your body adapts is that the vili (spongy corregated tissue) in the intestine has been known to grow - sometimes several times it's normal size - in order to absorb as MUCH of anything you consume. If you cheat on your foods, that could mean things that are high in fat, carbs and sugar! Not only that but it's been discovered in many WLS patients that the intestine will actually partially grow back, thus taking away the malabsorption factor of the surgery. Once you are three years out and can eat more food, this can lead to disaster. Talking as someone that has suffered some regain (it's the "standard" 25 lbs but I still refuse to ignore it) and talking to many that now have to consider revisions because they did not have this information (or they DID, but they just didn't know the science behind it), I just wanted to put that out there as a warning to RNY post-ops. I fed my denial by telling myself that since I had RNY and malabsorbed, if I had a cheeseburger, for instance, I was really only ingesting the fat and calories of half a burger. If you suffer from hypertrophy, that is no longer true - you are packing in ALL of it. I have oatmeal and Egg Beaters in the morning now (I find that any kind of sugar, while not making me dump, makes me farty, so I avoid fruit and fruit juices - fructose and milk - lactose), a Lean Cuisine lunch and a sensible dinner. The weight is melting off again. As well I found a GOOD-tasting protein powder called Syntha-6 (the brand carries Strawberry and Chocolate flavours) that I actually look FORWARD to consuming. I now make sure to get ALL the protein and supplements I need in so that my intestines STOP adapting. I hope this information is helpful!
   — j_coulter

September 11, 2006
JENNIFER ... how do you know if you have hypertrophy? I'm on the Yahoo Grads list but admit I don't keep up as I'd like to. I've been having "eating issues" for about a year (after a 20 pound weight gain) ...
   — Karyn B

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