Hypothyroid 3 years post op?

I am almost 3 years post op and have been doing well until the last 6 months. I have gained 10 lbs but eating habits and excerise have not changed. Anyway, I was diagnosed with hypothyroid and hypotestostrene 2 days ago. I have been having my thyroid checked routinely for over 7 years and it has been normal until about 6 months ago it began to slowly drop until it is now low. I don't do soy products at all and like I said for at least 6 1/2 years my thyroid has been normal. I do not take any type of medication that could cause hypothyroid as a side effect. My question is how many other people have experineced this same situation and once placed on medication were we able to control your weight once again?    — KittyKatt (posted on June 24, 2006)

June 24, 2006
Hi Jeannie! Although I do not have your particular problem, I too have a hypothyroid. For me, my weight gain issues pretty much started with that. I had NO idea what was going on at first. When the doc told me what it was, my reaction was, "Cool, give me a pill...(I thought it would work like an antibiotic...take it for awhile and be done with it!)...I'd lose the weight...and would return to 'normal-crazy'!" Alas, life is not usually what one thinks or wishes for. Luckily it can be better though! At any rate, I am now 3 days short of my 3 month post-op date and I have now of this am...71 lbs.!! I take my tiny, little levoxyl pill first thing before my feet hit the floor and I'm doing great! So, please take heart. After a bit of being on your thyroid med., you will be back on the losing side and feeling absolutely wonderful again! Best of Luck. Denyse
   — Denyse

June 25, 2006
I have been hypothyroid since puberty. But at about 3 1/2 years out, it got worse. I gained some weight. They now have my thyroid at a level they are happy with. It didn't help take any weight off though. But everything was A-okay for 3 1/2 years, then wham....bounceback...I'm 30 lbs over my lowest weight, but I'm at a healthy weight now. Glad I got a bit underweight first, because it is next to impossible for me to lose now. I have maintained my current weight now for about 2 years. I'm six years out now, and am just accepting what my body wants to do. I went from a size 4 to a size 8-10. I know it sounds huge, but I think back at being in excess of 300 lbs, and I never dreamed I'd be as small as I am now. Especially 6 years out. I have never maintained any large amount of weighloss for more than 5 years. I'm thinking my body is now fooled to believe it was meant to be where it is now. Shhh!! Don't tell it otherwise! Regards
   — Statuesque

June 26, 2006
I am pre-op ... Anyway, I was diagnosed at hypothyroid about 8 years ago; I take my medicine faithfully and have my blood levels checked twice a year ... Despite this, I still GAINED tons of weight. Many people who are treated for hypothyroidism continue to exhibit symptoms even when their levels are good.
   — peacefuldaizy

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