anyone have lap gas pain in shoulder area?
I am feeling really good and everything is going well (10 days post op) but the tops of my shoulders and upper back are so sore when I take a really deep breath. Someone else I know said that it is still air/gas from the lap surgery. Anyone else experience this and what did you do to get rid of it (annoying)???? Thanks Denise — niecey (posted on April 21, 2006)
April 21, 2006
Denise, this sounds like gas. I had the same discomfort and that's what
the doctor told me on my 2 week visit. Perhaps you should contact your
doctor anyway just to be safe. Congratulations on your new journey!!!
Blessings, Martha
— mavila07
April 21, 2006
yes, you have gas. they should not have had u leave the hospital with it
in you. The gas can build up and it can really hurt. you have to walk it
good luck
Steve Cohen]
OH Group Leader
— Steve Cohen
April 21, 2006
Carolina- I am 4 days post op and yes I did have this- first you need to
walk walk and walk and second try a heating pad on medium across the
shoulders and upper back. If that doesn't help check with your doctor. Good
— dabby
April 21, 2006
This is very common; the best thing is walking so as to get it moving. If
you are really uncomfortable call your surgeon and be seen.
— Juju B
April 22, 2006
Congratulations on your surgery and dont fret none, it is only gas and I
tell u they didnt have to ask me twice if I wanted to walk the gas hurt so
bad, i was walking up and down those halls like mad! So by the second day
my gas was all gone, all I can say is Walk, Walk til you drop! haha God
Bless Ya!
— Peggy G.
April 22, 2006
Denise, yes that is more than likely gas from your surgery. Oh how I
remember that feeling, not comfortable. Try to walk as much as you can it
should help. I also found rolling my shoulders forward and backward often
made the gas move where it wasn't so stiff.
Good Luck on your journey! Dana
— cajungirl
April 22, 2006
Hi Denise, While it does sound as if you have gas, be very careful...It
could be an asthma attack. I am not sure if you suffer from asthma, but if
you do take a few puffs of albuterol and you will know for sure. I walked
around for 2 weeks after surgery thinking that it was only gas and the pain
got so bad that I couldn't even sit back in a chair. It was an asthma
attack, and by the time I caught it I was so tight I had to use my
nebulizer for a week. I didn't know it was an attack because it felt just
like the gas pain I had in the hospital. Good luck. Moni
— fngrs132
April 22, 2006
Being only 10 days post-op, gas would also be my assumption. However, if
it continues you need to speak with your surgeon. I had left shoulder pain
for almost a year after surgery every time I had any kind of intestinal
upset. It faded and will resurface once every few months now, but it was
described to me as some kind of nerve issue.
— RebeccaP
April 23, 2006
I had surgery 4/18 and have intense pain in my left shoulder. I was told
it was gas and to walk it off. I have been walking like crazy but it is
still there. But it is finally easing up now tht it is 5 days out.
— Elsie
April 24, 2006
I would say it is the gas pain and my surgeon recommended gas-x to help and
LOTS of walking. Good luck!!!
— twinsmommy143
April 24, 2006
Besides walking it off, try infants mylicon for gas (the liquid) and in
between walks, lie down and make sure your feet are higher then your chest,
the gas travels upward, it will temp leave your chest and give you a break.
— vlaster
April 24, 2006
I'm almost 3 years out of lap Rny , I did have the awful pain in my left
shoulder from the gas they pump into you during surgery. I felt the pain
the same day of my surgery in the ICU. It takes several days to pass, and
it's very painful, I needed to put a pilllow under my shoulder and use the
morphine, and honestly I'm no wimp about pain. You could have pain from
being in the hospital bed and not breathing fully/deeply enough until now.
Just keep taking as deep a breath as you can. The hospital beds are just so
Good luck on your journey
— goldroses
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